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Transforming Telematics with Kubernetes and Rancher

Norwegian leader in fleet management, equipment and vehicle tracking, ABAX is one of Europe’s fastest-growing technology businesses. The company provides sophisticated fleet tracking, electronic mileage logs and equipment and vehicle control systems to more than 26,500 customers. ABAX manages over 250,000 active subscriptions that connect a variety of vehicles and industrial equipment subscriptions.

Monitoring Kubernetes performance metrics

As explained in Part 1 of this series, monitoring a Kubernetes environment requires a different approach than monitoring VM-based workloads or even unorchestrated containers. The good news is that Kubernetes is built around objects such as Deployments and DaemonSets, which provide long-lived abstractions on top of dynamic container workloads.

Collecting metrics with built-in Kubernetes monitoring tools

In the previous post in this series, we dug into the data you should track so you can properly monitor your Kubernetes cluster. Next, you will learn how you can start inspecting your Kubernetes metrics and logs using free, open source tools. In this post we’ll cover several ways of retrieving and viewing observability data from your Kubernetes cluster.

Monitoring in the Kubernetes era

Container technologies have taken the infrastructure world by storm. Ideal for microservice architectures and environments that scale rapidly or have frequent releases, containers have seen a rapid increase in usage in recent years. But adopting Docker, containerd, or other container runtimes introduces significant complexity in terms of orchestration. That’s where Kubernetes comes into play.

Running Containers in AWS with Rancher

This blog will examine how Rancher improves the life of DevOps teams already invested in AWS’s Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) but looking to run workloads on-prem, with other cloud providers or, increasingly, at the edge. By reading this blog you will also discover how Rancher helps you escape the undeniable attractions of a vendor monoculture while lowering costs and mitigating risk.

Now Available: Calico for Windows on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

Approximately one year ago, Kubernetes 1.14 made support of Windows containers running on Microsoft Windows Server nodes generally available. This was a declaration that Windows node support was stable, well-tested, and ready for adoption, meaning the vast ecosystem of Windows-based applications could be deployed on the platform.

The Simplest Way to Deploy Laravel with MySQL on AWS

AWS (Amazon Web Services) is an amazing and reliable cloud service provider. AWS, like Google Cloud Platform and Microsoft Azure, provides everything you need to host an application without having to worry about running the underlying servers and network configuration. Everything you need to quickly begin hosting is provided as a packaged services. However, deploying an application on AWS presents some challenges.

Kubernetes Drives Growth and Innovation in Financial Services

Founded in 2000, the Cardano Group is a privately-owned, purpose-built risk and investment specialist — and a financial pioneer. It is widely recognized as a market leader in the provisioning of specialized services to private-sector and collective pension programs in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. Cardano has recently become the third largest retail pension provider in the UK after its recent acquisition of NOW: Pensions.

Three Ways to Create Docker Images for Java

Long before Dockerfiles, Java developers worked with single deployment units (WARs, JARs, EARs, etc.). As you likely know by now, it is best practice to work in micro-services, deploying a small number of deployment units per JVM. Instead of one giant, monolithic application, you build your application such that each service can run on its own. This is where Docker comes in!