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Step-by-step guide to setting up Prometheus Alertmanager with Slack, PagerDuty, and Gmail

In my previous blog post, “How to Explore Prometheus with Easy ‘Hello World’ Projects”, I described three projects that I used to get a better sense of what Prometheus can do. In this post, I’d like to share how I got more familiar with Prometheus Alertmanager and how I set up alert notifications for Slack, PagerDuty, and Gmail.

Announcing a new dashboard for Deployment Environments

One of the central ideas behind the Codefresh GUI is giving as much information as possible to both developers and operators regarding the status of a deployment. Just because a pipeline has finished successfully does not always mean that the respective environment is healthy.

Connecting Prometheus-Ksonnet to Grafana Cloud

In a previous post we showed how to install Prometheus and Grafana using the prometheus-ksonnet library along with Tanka. This is great for getting a well-managed monitoring install going, but sometimes it isn’t enough for monitoring larger clusters. If you have multiple clusters that you want to monitor on a single dashboard, or need long-term storage, or need a high-availability setup for your monitoring data, then this installation won’t be sufficient on its own.

Top 10 Enterprise Tools for Developers

Enterprise teams face unique challenges when it comes to software development. Managing more developers means managing more code, more projects, more logistics… the list goes on. Many technical enterprise teams have adopted a DevOps strategy to help bridge the gap between code development and operations. When developers work in tandem with system architects to break down silos, it can have an incredible effect on the organization’s productivity and culture.

Improving Kubernetes Clusters' Efficiency with Log Management

Log management plays an important role in helping to debug Kubernetes clusters, improve their efficiency, and monitor them for any suspicious activity. Kubernetes is an open-source cluster management software designed for the deployment, scaling, and operations of containerized applications.

Citrix and Rancher Integration: Cloud-Native Stack on Kubernetes

Kubernetes and containers are changing how applications are built, deployed and managed. Rancher makes application deployment simple and easily portable regardless of location or infrastructure. At Citrix, we operate on the same core principle. We provide application delivery and load balancing solutions for a high-quality user experience, to any device, across any network, for your web, traditional and cloud-native applications regardless of where they are hosted.

How to use the docker run command for Docker container execution

In this previous article we learned to create our own Docker images to test and distribute our applications regardless of their dependencies. As we know, Docker is a wonderful tool for collaborative programming work, allowing to work in a virtually identical environment regardless of the operating system you are in.

Migrate Your Windows 2003 Applications to Kubernetes

There’s no one-size-fits-all migration path for moving legacy applications to the cloud. These applications typically reside on either physical servers, virtual machines or on premises. While the goal is generally to rearchitect or redesign an application to leverage cloud-native services, it’s not always the answer.

Kublr 1.16 supports rolling upgrades with zero downtime across clouds and on-prem

When evaluating Kubernetes providers, you’ll quickly see that they ALL support upgrades. But here’s a little dirty secret, no independent Kubernetes multi-cloud, multi-cluster platform supports rolling updates. Instead, you’ll need to deploy a different cluster and replicate your app to ensure service delivery while the original cluster is updated. That process is cumbersome and requires far too many resources.