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New observability features for your Splunk Dataflow streaming pipelines

We’re thrilled to announce several new observability features for the Pub/Sub to Splunk Dataflow template to help operators keep a tab on their streaming pipeline performance. Splunk Enterprise and Splunk Cloud customers use the Splunk Dataflow template to reliably export Google Cloud logs for in-depth analytics for security, IT or business use cases.

Cyclical Statistical Forecasts and Anomalies - Part 6

At this point we are well past the third installment of the trilogy, and at the end of the second installment of trilogies. You might be wondering if the second set of trilogies was strictly necessary (we’re looking at you, Star Wars) or a great idea (well done, Lord of the Rings, nice compliment to the books). Needless to say, detecting anomalies in data remains as important to our customers as it was back at the start of 2018 when the first installment of this series was released.

4 Different Ways to Ingest Data in AWS OpenSearch

AWS OpenSearch is a project based on Elastic’s Elasticsearch and Kibana projects. Amazon created OpenSearch from the last open-source version of ElasticSearch (7.10) and is part of the AWS system. The key differences between the two are topics for another discussion, but the most significant point to note before running either distribution is the difference in licenses. ElasticSearch now runs under a dual-license model, and OpenSearch remains open-source.

10 things you didn't know about LogQL

For this edition of my ongoing Grafana Loki how-to series, I wanted to offer up some helpful — and perhaps surprising — facts about using LogQL, Loki’s query language. In case you’re new to Grafana Loki, it’s a log aggregation system created in 2018, and the Loki team has worked with the community ever since to introduce new features and make it easier to deploy.

Webinar Recap: Best Practices for Right-Sizing and Overhauling Your Architecture

Last week, we hosted a webinar on the easiest way to right-size – and safest way to overhaul – your architecture. One of the scenarios we’re seeing come up more and more with prospects and customers is the need to update your architecture, and particularly your security architecture, as new needs and threats arise. As I’m sure you all know, that can be a real hassle, put a strain on your resources, and put your security posture at risk if it isn’t done well.

Up the Creek Without a Paddle: Easing the Strain on Your Analytics Systems

When it comes to your analytics tools, would you say they’re getting easier to manage overall, or is it increasingly difficult? Can you easily scale to meet new compliance requirements, or is there so much custom work required that the pace of change is too much for your team to handle? Do you feel in control over how and where your observability data flows, or do you feel beholden to your vendors? This blog post will shed light on how you can ease the strain on your downstream systems.

The Power Of The Ecosystem: Intel and Splunk Help Partners Bring Data To Life

Last year, International Data Corporation released its Data GlobalSphere Forecast, 2021-25, in which it outlined the projected 23% compound annual growth in data, leaping to 175 zettabytes of data globally. So the natural question becomes, what will the world do with that much data? And, more importantly, what can your business do with your data?

Centralized Log Management for Reporting Compliance to Management

It’s 3pm on a Wednesday, and you’re really just done with the week already. You hear that “ping” from your Slack and know that you set notifications for direct messages only, which means, ugh, you have to pay attention to this one. It’s your boss, and she’s telling you to check your email. Then you see it, the dreaded audit documentation request. This will take you the rest of today and most of tomorrow.

How Sumo SREs manage and monitor SLOs as Code with OpenSLO

At Nobl9’s annual SLOconf—the first conference dedicated to helping SREs quantify the reliability of their applications through service level objectives (SLOs)—Sumo Logic shared our contribution of slogen to the OpenSLO community, as well as our commitment to OpenSLO as an emerging standard for expressing SLOs as Code. slogen is an open source, SLO-as-code CLI tool based on the OpenSLO specification.