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The State of Availability Today: Availability Monitoring & Management

At first glance, availability monitoring may seem like one of the more mundane responsibilities of site reliability engineering (SRE) and IT operations teams. Determining whether an application is available may appear to be relatively straightforward, especially for teams that focus simply on monitoring certain transactions or services. This may have been true in the past.

Cribl and GitOps: Go From Development to Production

Git integration has always been at the foundation of Stream. In the fall 2021 release of Cribl Stream (both on-prem software and Cloud), our Enterprise users have a received set of APIs to separate the development and deployment of Stream. Stream GitOps connects with your favorite git based versioning platforms and leverages their PR, approve/reject, and CI/CD workflows to push production-ready changes from a development branch into a main branch or release.

Synthetic Monitoring Phases & Strategies

Synthetic monitoring tools have long formed a core part of application performance management and monitoring toolsets. Yet no matter how familiar you are with synthetic monitoring, there is likely room to get more out of it than you currently are. Indeed, the default approach to synthetic monitoring tends to involve using it reactively: problems occur in production, and your team uses synthetic monitoring to help understand and remediate them.

The Internet Is Buzzing About Cribl Search and Our Series D Funding!

It’s been an exciting few days at Cribl. A week ago, we announced our $150 Million Series D funding round led by Tiger Global, with participation from existing investors IVP, CRV, Redpoint Ventures, Sequoia Capital, and Greylock! We also announced an exciting new product: Cribl Search! We’ve been blown away by the excitement from our customers thus far.

The Power of ChaosSearch Alerts

How can you derive value from data? One answer is to generate alerts based on the data. Alerts help your team stay on top of a variety of potential challenges – like application performance issues, security risks, disruptions to the CI/CD delivery chain and beyond. ChaosSearch’s flexible alerting system makes it easy to generate alerts relevant to your organization’s needs.

Security Teams Are Struggling, and Cribl Is Here to Help

Many cybersecurity teams are drinking from multiple firehoses without solutions in place to deal with the onslaught of data. And with 70 percent of companies experiencing over one hundred attacks each day, it’s not slowing down. Teams are overwhelmed with data from multiple sources and formats with continuous requests to pull in more and more.

This Win is for Our Customers - We've Just Raised $142 Million in a Series D Round

While 2020 and 2021 were significant years for us, we’ve entered this year ready to give more to our users! We’re delighted to share we have raised $142 million in a Series D funding round! So what does that mean for you exactly? Over the past few months, our team has been working hard to build custom mapping for metrics, an advanced tracing UI, and more into our platform. The world is our oyster, and we can’t wait for you to see what else we have planned!

Looking for Needles In a Stack of Needles? Develop an Observability Mindset

When I talk with Splunk customers, their challenges sometimes sound like trying to find a needle in a stack of needles. Feel the same way? The answers you need are out there, hidden in your data. Our job is to help you find them. Securing your networks, keeping them up and running and maximizing efficiency are key priorities. You also face the challenges of speeding up development and driving innovation to stay competitive.

What is OpenTelemetry

You may have previously heard about OpenTelemetry (also known as OTel) if you have looked into improved ways of standardising different data types. In this article, we’ll delve into the key things you need to know about OpenTelemetry and how this unified standard may become the future of how logs, metrics, events and traces are all handled.