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5 priorities for CISOs to regain much needed balance in 2022

Here’s what security leaders need to do in the face of rising stress levels and cyberattacks Nearly 9 out of 10 CISOs say their existing systems secured their enterprise through a shift to remote work, an ongoing labor shortage, and a huge spike in cybersecurity attacks. But that success came with a price: 64% say they’re more stressed out than they were a year ago. How can CISOs navigate a new set of challenges in 2022, while also regaining some much needed balance?

Introducing Pre-Installed Logz.io Metrics Dashboard Bundles

We are proud to announce the launch of direct dashboard uploads with Logz.io. These new metrics dashboard templates are available for 25 different tools and more to come. Each of these templates is now available to Logz.io customers and covers the gamut of popular monitoring tools used by DevOps teams. Some of these tools also include multiple options. The process is simple. Head into the Logz.io app and head to your metrics account.

5 Best Tools for Log Collection and Archiving With Guide

Collecting and archiving logs is an essential practice for any organization looking to maintain the performance and security of their network. Logs are like a diary for your devices. They record every message sent from any of your network systems. This information can prove essential for everything from understanding the daily activities of your infrastructure, to improving functionality across your platforms, to identifying and troubleshooting issues.

How the French Ministry of Agriculture deploys Elastic to monitor the commercial fishing industry

Within the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food (the Ministry), our team of architects in the Methods, Support and Quality office (BMSQ) evaluate and supply software solutions to resolve issues encountered by project teams that affect various disciplines. As data specialists, one area we’ve been involved in includes reconfiguring the traceability of activities for the commercial fishing industry.

Why LogDNA Received the EMA Top 3 Award for Observability Platforms

We’re honored to be included in Enterprise Management Associates’ EMA Top 3 Award for Observability Platforms. This award recognizes software products that help enterprises reach their digital transformation goals by optimizing product quality, time to market, cost, and ability to innovate—all the things we’re passionate about at LogDNA.

Tutorial: Setting up AWS CloudWatch Alarms

AWS CloudWatch is a service that allows you to monitor and manage deployed applications and resources within your AWS account and region. It contains tools that help you process and use logs from various AWS services to understand, troubleshoot, and optimize deployed services. I’m going to show you how to get an email when your Lambda logs over a certain number of events.

Telegraf Integrations with Logz.io

Logz.io is proud to announce a slew of new integrations via Telegraf. Logz.io utilizes Prometheus in its product, but aims to support compatibility across common DevOps tools. A number of our customers, and the community in general, are strong users of Telegraf and its companion apps in the TICK Stack (which includes InfluxDB). Telegraf is not as popular as Prometheus, but it’s a strong element in the DevOps toolbox.

Unexpected Parallels Between Yoga and Observability

Yoga is to ideal human health what observability is to an application’s ideal functioning. It is well established that observability is a critical factor for the successful implementation and maintenance of cloud-native, serverless, cloud-agnostic, and microservices-based applications. Well-established observability helps DevOps and development teams cross the boundaries of complex systems and get complete visibility into their functioning.