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Using Audit Logs For Security and Compliance

Developers, network specialists, system administrators, and even IT helpdesk use audit log in their jobs. It’s an integral part of maintaining security and compliance. It can even be used as a diagnostic tool for error resolution. With cybersecurity threats looming more than ever before, audit logs gained even more importance in monitoring. Before we get to how you can use audit logs for security and compliance, let’s take a moment to really understand what they are and what they can do.

Why Logging Matters Throughout the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

There are multiple phases in the software development process that need to be completed before the software can be released into production. Those phases, which are typically iterative, are part of what we call the software development life cycle, or SDLC. During this cycle, developers and software analysts also aim to satisfy nonfunctional requirements like reliability, maintainability, and performance.

Why Midsized SecOps Teams Should Consider Security Log Analytics Instead of Security and Information Event Management

If Ben Franklin lived today, he would add cyber threats to his shortlist of life’s certainties. For decades, bad guys have inflicted malware, theft, espionage, and other forms of digital pain on citizens of the modern world. They seek money, celebrity, and political secrets, and often get them. In 2020, hackers halted trading on the New Zealand stock exchange with a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack.

Advanced Link Analysis, Part 3 - Visualizing Trillion Events, One Insight at a Time

This is Part 3 of the Advanced Link Analysis series, which showcases the interactive visualization of advanced link analysis with Splunk partner, SigBay. The biggest challenge for any data analytics solution is how it can handle huge amounts of data for demanding business users. This also puts pressure on data visualization tools. This is because a data visualization tool is expected to represent reasonably large amounts of data in an intelligent, understandable and interactive manner.

The Importance of Log Management - Guide & Best Practices

Log management encompasses the processes of managing this trove of computer-generated event log data, including: There are two ways that IT teams typically approach event log management. Using a log management tool, you can filter and discard events you don’t need, only gathering relevant information – eliminating noise and redundancy at the point of ingestion.

Grafana Loki: Open Source Log Aggregation Inspired by Prometheus

Logging solutions are a must-have for any company with software systems. They are necessary to monitor your software solution’s health, prevent issues before they happen, and troubleshoot existing problems. The market has many solutions which all focus on different aspects of the logging problem. These solutions include both open source and proprietary software and tools built into cloud provider platforms, and give a variety of different features to meet your specific needs.

Logz.io Now Supports AWS App Runner

Logz.io now natively supports AWS App Runner. AWS has launched an innovative service called App Runner. This service builds upon Fargate, the AWS service that runs containers on Kubernetes without manual maintenance, patching, and upkeep of the containers or Kubernetes itself. App Runner takes this to the next level. It creates additional automation of and capabilities to deploy, run, and scale containerized workloads in concert with continuous deployment.

Log Management & Managed Open Distro ELK Platform, Logit.io Launch New Teams & Users UI

Log management and managed Open Distro ELK provider Logit.io announced today that they've launched an entirely new redesign of their teams and users pages to improve the user experience for users that wish to add additional members to teams and create new teams easier.

Announcing the LogDNA and Sysdig Alert Integration

LogDNA Alerts are an important vehicle for relaying critical real-time pieces of log data within developer and SRE workflows. From Slack to PagerDuty, these Alert integrations help users understand if something unexpected is happening or simply if their logs need attention. This allows for shorter MTTD (mean time to detection) and improved productivity.

Security Log Management Done Right: Collect the Right Data

Nearly all security experts agree that event log data gives you visibility into and documentation over threats facing your environment. Even knowing this, many security professionals don’t have the time to collect, manage, and correlate log data because they don’t have the right solution. The key to security log management is to collect the correct data so your security team can get better alerts to detect, investigate, and respond to threats faster.