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Top 20 CI/CD Pipeline Interview Questions & Answers

The key to acing a CI/CD interview is preparation. The first step in preparation is to learn as much as you can about the possible company, including its background, offerings, and hiring practices. In order to help you master your next interview and land your dream job, this blog post includes CICD interview questions, all neatly organized into themes.. Refreshing your technical knowledge is the next item on the list because it will help you stand apart.

Get Certified with Argo CD - Now at Level 2 with "Gitops at Scale"

At the start of this year, Codefresh announced the first ever GitOps certification for Argo CD. The certification consists of 3 different levels covering GitOps end-to-end from beginning to end. With the launch of Level 1 (Fundamentals), we have seen an unprecedented interest from people that want to learn about GitOps resulting in over 10,000 students and 3,000 certified engineers!

Automate deployment of a Vue.js application to Firebase

A quick search of the internet will reveal many services available for freely hosting single page applications or static sites. Firebase is one of these services. Firebase is a development platform developed by Google that provides file storage, hosting, database, authentication, and analytics. It is free, provides an SSL certificate by default, and offers impressive speed across multiple regions. I have chosen Firebase for hosting our demo application in this tutorial.

How to get complete CI/CD pipeline observability

It's not like it used to be back in the day! Before CI/CD, we were building on-premises, service-oriented products following system style architecture and we were able to map out the build system and end-to-end process in a PowerPoint or Visio document. Although time-consuming and inefficient, it was relatively straightforward and the build pipeline was unlikely to change drastically. But that's no longer the case.

Polyglot persistence vs multi-model databases for microservices

Microservice architecture is an application system design pattern in which an entire business application is composed of individual functional scoped services, which can scale on demand. Each team focuses on an individual service and builds it according to their skillset or language of choice. In addition to flexibility, this pattern provides: These features have made microservices architecture a popular choice for enterprises.

Get More From Your JFrog Platform Using the Cloud Marketplaces

These days, organizations of all types, sizes and industries are using the cloud for a wide variety of business reasons and use cases. Benefits include agility, elasticity, cost savings, ease of deployment, ease of management, ease of procurement and ability to leverage cutting edge technologies. JFrog customers are no different. Indeed, JFrog recognizes that many customers want a hybrid cloud approach with the ability to work across multi-clouds.

Speed up XCUITest execution with parallelism and test splitting

In this article, I’ll show you how to reduce the execution time of XCUITest (UI tests on iOS simulators) by splitting and running them in parallel. Automated tests and CI/CD platforms like CircleCI are necessary for iOS application development. It is important not only to introduce them once but to improve them continuously. When application code grows and automated tests increase, the execution time of build and test in CI/CD gets longer.

Software Delivery Platforms to Benefit DevOps Practices

In this era where applications are taking over the world, delivering the service to your customer with scalability and security is of the utmost importance. The software delivery platform helps to manage the data flow, traffic management, and security of the data from both sides of the application. If you are studying software delivery platforms, then most of you must have heard about the Codefresh software delivery platform for continuous integration and continuous deployment of the application.

Introducing the CircleCI Config SDK

We are excited to announce the new CircleCI Config SDK is now available as an open-source TypeScript library. Developers can now write and manage their CircleCI config.yml files using TypeScript and JavaScript. For developers used to the ecosystem and flexibility of a full-fledged programming language, sometimes YAML can feel limiting or intimidating. With the Config SDK you can define and generate your YAML config from type-safe and annotated JavaScript.