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Run the HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress Controller Outside of Your Kubernetes Cluster

Run your HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress Controller in External mode to reduce network hops and latency. Traditionally, you would run the HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress Controller as a pod inside your Kubernetes cluster. As a pod, it has access to other pods because they share the same pod-level network. That allows it to route and load balance traffic to applications running inside pods, but the challenge is how to connect traffic from outside the cluster to the ingress controller in the first place.

Continuously deploy custom images to an Azure container registry

The Azure container registry is Microsoft’s own hosting platform for Docker images. It is a private registry where you can store and manage private docker container images and other related artifacts. These images can then be pulled and run locally or used for container-based deployments to hosting platforms. In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a custom docker image and continuously deploy it to an Azure container registry.

Document Oracle, MySQL, and PostgreSQL Databases With Database Mapper

We’re excited to announce SentryOne Document is now called SolarWinds® Database Mapper! The recently released Database Mapper 2021.8 enables you to document three additional database environments: Oracle, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. This makes Database Mapper a great tool to use in conjunction with SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer and SolarWinds Database Performance Monitor database management solutions.

Best Practices for Migrating to Helm v3 for the Enterprise

At JFrog, we rely on Kubernetes and Helm to orchestrate our systems and keep our workloads running and up-to-date. Our JFrog Cloud services had initially been deployed with Helm v2 and Tillerless plugin for enhanced security, but we have now successfully migrated our many thousands of releases to Helm v3. Like many SaaS service providers, JFrog Cloud runs with many Kubernetes clusters in different regions, across different cloud providers.

AIOps: The Future of DevOps

Since entering the scene in the late 2000s, DevOps has changed the way development and IT operations teams collaborate together to produce and deploy new digital services, apps, features, and updates. DevOps has helped to streamline the production process to ensure more efficient workflows and a more reliable service. This created a shared responsibility between development and operations teams to collaborate together with the goal of creating a premium product or service for their customers.

Cloud Governance Explained: How To Create An Effective Governance Strategy

One of the biggest benefits of the cloud is that it gives engineering teams the freedom to deploy and iterate applications quickly. Unlike traditional IT environments where engineers require a series of approvals before embarking on projects, in the cloud, engineers can choose from several managed services and deploy them at the click of a button. This means your team can innovate faster and respond quickly to market demands.

Make you Developers Happy with Rancher and Shipa

At this point, it’s fair to say that containers and Kubernetes changed the dynamics of infrastructure and platforms. It’s no secret that even though managing Kubernetes clusters is still somewhat complex, in the early days, it was even harder, which is when we saw solutions such as Rancher come up to help us address those challenges. You will inevitably run into cluster-related challenges when adopting Kubernetes.

Introducing Ubuntu Pro for Google Cloud

June 14th, 2021: Canonical and Google Cloud today announce Ubuntu Pro on Google Cloud, a new Ubuntu offering available to all Google Cloud users. Ubuntu Pro on Google Cloud allows instant access to security patching covering thousands of open source applications for up to 10 years and critical compliance features essential to running workloads in regulated environments. Google Cloud has long partnered with Canonical to offer innovative developer solutions, from desktop to Kubernetes and AI/ML.

7 key processes for running a top performing NOC

Much of the fuel for today’s business organizations is comprised of cloud computing and digital and SaaS applications. So, if something goes wrong with them, there will be a grave impact on productivity, customer satisfaction and even loyalty, as well as on the costs required for resolving the incident, remediating damage, and getting back to business.

The Abstracted Mesh: Dealing with Application Complexity

When did our infrastructure get so complicated? For many of my clients, the number of resources their applications are built on seems to have snowballed overnight. It was, of course, a gradual progression, and usually a conscious one, but complexity can feel like it grows geometrically with each new resource element. And that complexity can create problems.