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Harbor to the Rescue-Operating a Secure Registry Without Restrictive Pull Policies

On November 1, 2020, Docker Hub will begin limiting anonymous and free account image pulls. While some may be upset about the change, it reflects a larger reality that takes into consideration the risks associated with consuming public content—most public repositories have some level of rate limiting to prevent denial-of-service attacks and customer metering—in addition to the cost of hosting public content.

Azure Logic Apps 101 - Developer tools: what are my options (Part II)

In the first part of this article, we mention that at the moment, you have three options for you to start developing your Logic Apps: And we analyze the advantages, disadvantages, and how to start developing Logic Apps by using the Azure Portal. Today we are going to address. Today we are going to do the same but this time using Visual Studio 2019.

Migrating to TimescaleDB

Here at MetricFire we’re moving some huge rocks to get more benefits for our customers. Our tech team is migrating our Graphite backend from a Riak database to TimescaleDB. This will drive huge benefits for our customers stemming from the new ability to access their database through PostgreSQL querying. Simultaneously, we’ll be migrating our cloud provider from Hetzner to AWS. This drives further benefits surrounding latency, uptime and security requirements for our customers.

Managed autoscaling for all types of container workloads

A flexible architecture is critical for dynamic containerized applications but managing different infrastructure configurations to support different applications is a heavy lift, requiring significant time and effort. The major cloud providers do offer customers core capabilities to deploy, manage and scale cloud infrastructure through AWS Auto Scaling Groups (ASGs), GCP Instance groups and Azure Scale sets.

Solving critical Windows services restart during Puppet agent upgrades

In this blog we’ll share the journey we went on to solve a not-so-easy customer problem: a critical Windows services restart during Puppet agent upgrades. As with most software fixes, it starts with a customer ticket: component DHCP Server service restarts after an upgrade. This troubleshooting journey goes from analyzing Windows installer logs, to using undocumented Windows API calls, and back to the Windows installer logs, until we eventually found a solution.

Qovery is now part of the CNCF

Qovery is excited to announce that we are now a silver member of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) and Linux Foundation (LF). As a CNCF silver member, we are looking forward to contributing to CNCF projects and playing an active role in developing the cloud-native ecosystem. Qovery also recently makes is deployment engine open-source, an abstraction layer library that turns easy apps deployment on AWS, GCP, Azure, and other Cloud providers. ‍

Implementing GitOps on Kubernetes Using K3s, Rancher, Vault and ArgoCD

As Kubernetes continues to establish itself as the industry standard for container orchestration, finding effective ways to use a declarative model for your applications and tools is critical to success. In this blog, we’ll set up a K3s Kubernetes cluster in AWS, then implement secure GitOps using ArgoCD and Vault. Check out the source for the infrastructure and the Kubernetes umbrella application here.

Tutorial: Using Helm Hooks in Your Codefresh Pipeline

When getting started with Kubernetes and Helm, the process across the release life cycle can feel like a black-box; having to follow debugging processes to understand what is going on behind the scenes. Helm hooks can help with that. This post provides an overview of: If you are new to Helm, we suggest to check-out our previous tutorial first and then come back to learn more about Helm hooks. Hooks perform a single action at a specified point during the release life cycle.