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How Do You Handle Third-Party Dependencies in Your Reliability Planning?

External dependencies and third-party services play a crucial role in powering modern applications. These components bring a wealth of benefits, ranging from access to specialized tools and resources to the ability to offload non-core tasks, allowing development teams to focus on delivering value-added features.

Flight to Success: Birdie's DevOps Evolution Fueled by Observability Insights

Birdie wanted to uplevel observability to a platform that would provide meaningful insights for application performance and debugging. Ensuring customers can provide seamless and timely care to in-home patients stands as a top priority for Birdie, and the development team takes pride in building and maintaining a high-quality platform distinguished by its reliability and responsiveness.

The Transformative Benefits Of AWS Well-Architected Reviews For Organizations In 2024

IDC predicted that over half of Asia Pacific's digital-first businesses plan to pump up their tech spend by 20% in the next year. They're betting on cutting-edge tech like AI and cloud platforms to stay ahead, innovate, and maintain their financial viability. As AWS is the leading cloud provider across the globe, most businesses rely on it for highly reliable quality cloud services.

How to Comply With the SEC's New Cybersecurity Rule

On July 26, 2023, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) introduced new rules regarding cybersecurity risk management, strategy, governance, and incidents. Public companies subject to reporting requirements must comply with the changes to avoid rescission and other monetary penalties, not to mention the risk of legal action and reputation damage. Here, we look at the two new cybersecurity rules and how your company can comply. ‍

How to Set Up an Email Server for Your Business

Setting up a secure email server for your business ensures efficient communication and data security. Having your own email server gives you control over your email infrastructure and the ability to customize it to meet your specific needs. In this guide, we will go over each step when it comes to how to set up an email server for your business.

NIST Incident Response Steps & Template | Blameless

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) provides the framework to help businesses mitigate cybersecurity risks. The framework also protects networks and data, outlining best practices to inform decisions that save time and money. Creating a cybersecurity strategy that identifies, protects, detects, responds, and helps you recover from cybersecurity incidents is critical in the evolving threat landscape.

Four Key Lessons for ML Model Security & Management

With Gartner estimating that over 90% of newly created business software applications will contain ML models or services by 2027, it is evident that the open source ML revolution is well underway. By adopting the right MLOps processes and leveraging the lessons learned from the DevOps revolution, organizations can navigate the open source and proprietary ML landscape with confidence.

Preview Confidential AI with Ubuntu Confidential VMs and Nvidia H100 GPUs on Microsoft Azure

With Ubuntu confidential AI on Azure, businesses can undertake various tasks including ML training, inference, confidential multi-party data analytics, and federated learning with confidence. The effectiveness of AI models depends heavily on having access to large amounts of good quality data. While using publicly available datasets has its place, for tasks like medical diagnosis or financial risk assessment, we need access to private data during both training and inference.