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Tools for collecting Azure SQL Database data

In Part 1 of this series, we discussed key metrics for monitoring Microsoft Azure SQL databases. We also looked at how your database resource and audit logs complement metrics to provide more insight into database performance, activity, and security. In this post, we’ll show you how to collect metrics and logs from your database instances and monitor them with Azure’s monitoring and reporting tools.

Monitor Azure SQL databases with Datadog

In Part 2 of this series, we showed you how to monitor Azure SQL Database metrics and logs using the Azure platform. In this post, we will look at how you can use Datadog to monitor your Azure SQL databases alongside other technologies in your infrastructure. Datadog provides turn-key integrations for Azure along with more than 500 other technologies, enabling you to track long-term performance trends across all systems in your infrastructure, not just your SQL databases.

How to prepare for a product design interview

As the well-known saying goes, by failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail. This might not be true of everything in life, but it certainly is true of job interviews. Whether you’re preparing for a product design interview at Redgate, or elsewhere, here are some key considerations to help ensure that you get your preparations right.

Civo update - January 2022

Welcome to the very first Civo Update of 2022! On behalf of everyone here at Civo we wish you happiness and prosperity for the year ahead. With lots on our roadmap for 2022, it's certainly going to be another exciting year for us at Civo. We recently launched our "Write for Civo" initiative where you can share your cloud native expertise and get paid for doing so. Check out the tutorial for more information.

IoT Trends To Watch In 2022

The Internet of Things (IoT) market is evolving at a rapid pace and while some of the early predictions for tens of billions of connected devices by 2022 have proved to be wide of the mark, the use cases are so varied that explosive adoption is likely. However, the encroachment of IoT into all aspects of our personal and business lives brings with it plenty of concerns, from security and data ownership, to business models that acknowledge and enable the global nature of connected devices.

gRPC Observability and Testing using the Speedscale CLI

gRPC is a remote procedure call framework that has been widely adopted among cloud native applications. It is an attractive choice for engineers needing more capabilities than what REST APIs provide. However, observability and testing tools for gRPC are few and far between. Because of this, triaging or understanding application behavior is potentially time-consuming and overly burdensome.

Why Serverless? The Next Wave Of Cloud Cost Optimization

Traditionally, applications are developed and deployed on local servers managed by developers. This keeps the whole process under the control of one development team that is responsible for keeping the system running smoothly. With serverless computing, however, the server management and code execution within applications takes place remotely, under the control of the cloud service provider rather than an in-house development team.

5 Misconceptions About Cloud Cost Optimization Tools

Unless you are one of the 1% of enterprises that have zero workloads running in the publice cloud, you need a cloud cost optimization tool. Yes, you do. And if you have workloads running in multiple public clouds—which somewhere in the neighborhood of 85% of enterprises do—you really need a cloud cost optimization tool. If I’m preaching to the choir, feel free to skip to the end of this article where you’ll find a link to try Virtana Optimize for free.