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How to Secure the network of your GKE Cluster

By default, pods are non-isolated; they accept traffic from any source. The Google GKE solution to this security concern is Network Security Policy that lets developers control network access to their services. Google GKE comes configured with Network Security Policy using Project Calico which can be used to secure your clusters. This class will describe a few use cases for network security policy and a live demo implementing each use case.

MicroK8s HA

MicroK8s is Canonical’s lightweight Kubernetes, that allows for Kubernetes to be installed on any machine in under 60 seconds. Initially, microK8s was a single K8s cluster project, however as users grew to love this easy-to-deploy distribution, Canonical now enables them to create small K8s clusters for higher scalability. Watch this video to witness yourself how easily you can run a command, create your K8s cluster, and run it in an instance using microK8s.

Hybrid Cloud Kubernetes: Connecting the dots with Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes

Canonical has recently teamed up with Microsoft, to enable Kubernetes users to manage multiple K8s clusters from a single platform - Azure Arc. Even if you’re not a Microsoft user, you can attach any on-prem or public cloud Kubernetes cluster to Arc, and manage them from a centralised point. In this demo, watch how to administrate multiple and different K8s clusters with Canonical’s distributions of Kubernetes and Arc.

Intro to Puppeteer and Checkly

A short introduction and overview to Puppeteer showing executions on both a local machine and Checkly, together with some considerations on how it fits in the current landscape of browser automation tool. Puppeteer is a Node library which provides a high-level API to control headless Chrome/Chromium over the DevTools Protocol. Checkly is an active reliability platform bridging the gap between traditional monitoring and E2E testing, allowing you to automatically verify your API behaviour, as well as your key site transactions from one simple dashboard.