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Technical deep dive into Elastic Agent + Ingest Manager

This talk will dive into the technical details behind the recently announced Elastic Agent + Ingest Manager. After a quick overview of all the components involved and a demo, we explore how all the parts work together behind the scene. Some noteworthy parts to trigger your interest are "new indexing strategy", "constant_keywords", "datastreams" and a few more.

How to Report on Remote Worker Productivity and Experiences on Citrix or VMware Horizon

Learn how Goliath can help you better document the end-user productivity experience for your home workers using Citrix or VMware Horizon with end-user productivity and activity reports, experience reports tracking logon speeds, and other key performance indicators, and overall IT Performance for host, VMs, and storage.

Tanzu Tuesdays - Spring On Kubernetes with Ryan Baxter

In this session we are going to show you how to get your Spring apps up and running on Kubernetes. This session will take you from everyone’s favorite place on the internet, start.spring.io all the way to automated deployments directly to Kubernetes. We will cover tools, as well as best practices, that will make getting your Spring app from your dev machine to your Kubernetes (production) even faster and easier. In addition we will spend some time showing you how to use Spring Cloud Kubernetes to build cloud native Spring apps that run on Kubernetes. By the end of this session you will have all the knowledge you need to target Kubernetes as your production environment.

Tanzu Talk - Large scale application modernization with Rohit Kelapure

Whatever you want to call it, “legacy” software is a problem. In one of our recent surveys, 76% of executives said they are too invested in legacy applications to change how they do software. It can seem hard, but fixing that blocker is possible. As with all things in software, there is no quick fix, it just takes discipline, work, and time. In this episode, Coté talks with VMware Tanzu’s Rohit Kelapure who’s been working in application modernization for years. He goes over the initial portfolio analysis and thinking that the Pivotal Labs application modernization teams walk customers through.

[Webinar] Understanding federation in Sensu Go

Sensu Developer Advocate Jef Spaleta walks through setting up a multi-site federation from scratch. He also goes over a few security best practices — implementing RBAC and TLS — and will demo the etcd replicator, a new feature that makes it easy for you to tie your clusters together. Jef will also demo how federation works — and looks — in the Sensu web UI.