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Citrix CTP Shares How to Troubleshoot Citrix is Slow with George Spiers

George Spiers, Citrix CTP, is joining Goliath to discuss the real pains organizations face when trying to troubleshoot and discover the root cause of “Citrix is Slow” complaints from their end users -- especially when the problem isn't Citrix.

Adobe meets huge requirements with a lean approach: 200B requests per day, 6 data centres, 5 people

How do you support a diverse infrastructure that spans six data centres, three continents and the public cloud? In this talk given at Ubuntu Masters Conference, Joe Sandoval, SRE Manager at Adobe Ad Platform, talks about how Adobe uses open-source technologies, including Ubuntu, Kubernetes and OpenStack, to craft a feature-rich platform that developers can build on to best serve their customers.

The six stages of Change management process : Part 2

In this video, we're going to take a deep dive into the six-stage change management process. Let's follow a change record through its life cycle and see how it gets logged, passes through different stages, what roles the stakeholders play at each stage, how communication happens, and finally, how the change is successfully closed.

Quicker Azure Monitoring, Linux Change Detection, New API Poller - SolarWinds Lab #82 (Part 2)

The first step in improving system monitoring and visibility is getting data flowing sooner rather than later. For systems engineers managing diverse resources, it can be easier said than done. In this applications- and systems-focused conclusion of our year-end performance series, Server & Application Monitor (SAM) Senior Product Manager Serena Chou joins Head Geeks Patrick Hubbard and Sascha Giese to share shortcuts to streamline Azure monitoring configuration and get the cloud performance data you need, now.

Making Observability Actionable at Scale - Sisir Koppaka | DBS DevConnect 2019

Many organisations already possess a vast amount of existing data about production systems. As customer expectations evolve, organisations are often challenged to find more proactive ways of dealing with traditionally reactive incident response activity. In this talk, we discuss approaches to unlock value from this data by making it truly actionable.