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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Listen up: The Network AF podcast is here

Hear here! Today we’re very excited to share that our Co-founder and CEO Avi Freedman launched a new podcast, Network AF. If you like nerding out on all-things networking, cloud and the internet, this podcast is for you. If you like networking how-tos, best practices and biggest mistakes, this podcast is for you. If you want to up your poker game, well… this podcast might also be for you.

Boss-Level Log Management for WordPress Site Administrators

WordPress is the most dominant content management system (CMS) in the enterprise website market today. Its open-source nature, thousands of plugins, and wide adoption by commercial hosting providers have bolstered its success. In addition, it’s highly compatible with other website technologies like web servers, database servers, or middleware.

What Is Data Observability and Why Do You Need It?

The word observability has its root in control theory. R.E. Kálmán in 1960 defined it as a measure of how well you can infer the internal states of a system from knowledge of its external outputs. Observability is such a powerful concept because it allows you to understand the internal state of a system without the complexity of the inner workings. In other words, you can figure out what’s going on just by looking at the output.

What Exactly is a Website Monitoring "False Alarm" and Why You Should Care About It

What Exactly is a Website Monitoring “False Alarm” and Why You Should Care About It You know what falsehoods are. You know what false teeth are. You may even know some falsehoods about false teeth. But do you know what a website monitoring false alarm (also known as a “false positive”) is? If not, then please keep reading to find out — because it’s a very big deal.

Logit.io Announces The Beta Launch Of Hosted Grafana

We are pleased to announce the beta launch of hosted Grafana in addition to our existing ELK as a Service & hosted Open Distro services. As organisations around the world are constantly looking for ways that they can ensure compliance is being upheld, speeding up Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) and reducing the risk of DDoS attacks, managed Grafana forms a vital role in improving metrics observability across the entirety of your infrastructure.

The Cost of Going Before You Know

Like many things in life, when you’re new to the cloud you don’t know what you don’t know. Given that migrating workloads to the public cloud is often a key component of a business transformation initiative, you want to avoid a long, expensive learning curve—especially since accelerating time-to-value is often a major impetus for the move.

Avoid This SLA Fail - Q&A w/ Neil Keating (Chief Experience Officer, Bright Horse)

Recently I got the chance to speak with Neil Keating, Co-Founder and Chief Experience Officer at Bright Horse, a full-service IT experience consulting and training company. Neil’s candor and deep knowledge about IT Operations and digital experience was obvious from the start. Find a brief clip of our conversation here and several helpful nuggets for IT leaders in the text below!

Apache Kafka Tutorial: Use Cases and Challenges of Logging at Scale

Enterprises often have several servers, firewalls, databases, mobile devices, API endpoints, and other infrastructure that powers their IT. Because of this, organizations must provide resources to manage logged events across the environment. Logging is a factor in detecting and blocking cyber-attacks, and organizations use log data for auditing during an investigation after an incident. Brokers, such as Apache Kafka, will ingest logging data in real-time, process, store, and route data.

What's new in Sysdig - September 2021

Welcome to another monthly update on what’s new from Sysdig! Happy Janmashtami! Shanah Tovah! 中秋快乐! With lockdown lifting by varying degrees across the world, we hope you had a safe but pleasant holiday! It has certainly been long overdue. Here at Sysdig, we celebrated Labor Day in the USA with an extended weekend and a well being day for the team.

Automate, Group, and Get Alerted: A Best Practices Guide to Monitoring your Code - Part 1

As companies grow, so do their products, teams, and the number of external tools. For engineers, that can mean code sprawl, data silos, notification fatigue, and some “what the…?” moments along the way as they try to make sense of it all.