The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.
Catchpoint recently announced the Digital Experience Score. This score is the first all-encompassing metric to represent all essential drivers of digital end-user experience. With pressure on IT teams ever growing to fix the IT issues of a remote workforce, we wanted to make troubleshooting as straightforward as possible. The score provides IT teams tasked with improving employee experience with a quantifiable measurement of what each employee is experiencing digitally.
Two years ago, I wrote a long retrospective of observability for its third anniversary. It includes a history of instrumentation and telemetry, a detailed explanation of the technical spec, and why the whole “three pillars” thing is nonsense. At the time, it’s what was needed to steer conversations away from silly rabbit holes about data types and back to what matters: how we understand our systems.
Within the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food (the Ministry), our team of architects in the Methods, Support and Quality office (BMSQ) evaluate and supply software solutions to resolve issues encountered by project teams that affect various disciplines. As data specialists, one area we’ve been involved in includes reconfiguring the traceability of activities for the commercial fishing industry.