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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Elastic APM iOS agent technical preview released

We are proud to announce the preview release of the Elastic APM iOS agent! This release is intended to elicit feedback from the community, while providing some initial functionality within the Elastic Observability stack and is not intended for production use. Now is your chance to influence the direction of this new iOS agent and let us know what you think on our discussion forum. If you find an issue, or would like to contribute yourself, visit the GitHub repository.

Streamline Migration and Application Onboarding in DX APM with EasySeries

To realize the full potential of APM, many customers are migrating from their existing APM 10.7 clusters to DX APM. In addition, they continue to onboard new applications for monitoring. These efforts require a series of steps, including the configuration of experience views, universes, and DX Operational Intelligence services.

Grafana vs Kibana: The Updated Guide For 2022

If you have any experience with comparing open source data visualisation tools then it is very likely you will have encountered both Kibana and Grafana during your research and discovery phase. As two of the most popular solutions for logs and metrics analysis, it can be difficult to distinguish between the two and make the choice to use either Grafana or Kibana depending on the analysis task at hand.

Why LogDNA Received the EMA Top 3 Award for Observability Platforms

We’re honored to be included in Enterprise Management Associates’ EMA Top 3 Award for Observability Platforms. This award recognizes software products that help enterprises reach their digital transformation goals by optimizing product quality, time to market, cost, and ability to innovate—all the things we’re passionate about at LogDNA.

How to Monitor Multiple Websites With Uptime.com

Monitoring a website can already mean hundreds of checks on all sorts of different pathways, URLs, and other services. Monitoring multiple websites is an ever growing web that can make you start to feel like you’re trapped in an episode of Law & Order. The format of the show (I am talking about the real Law & Order, not its offshoots) involves the crime from occurrence to trial outcome and every beat and interrogation in between.

How to monitor Redis with Prometheus

Redis is a simple – but very well optimized – key-value open source database that is widely used in cloud-native applications. In this article, you will learn how to monitor Redis with Prometheus, and the most important metrics you should be looking at. Despite its simplicity, Redis has become a key component of many Kubernetes and cloud applications. As a result, performance issues or problems with its resources can cause other components of the application to fail.

Intro to distributed tracing with Tempo, OpenTelemetry, and Grafana Cloud

I’ve spent most of my career working with tech in various forms, and for the last ten years or so, I’ve focused a lot on building, maintaining, and operating robust, reliable systems. This has led me to put a lot of time into researching, evaluating, and implementing different solutions for automatic failure detection, monitoring, and more recently, observability. Before we get started: What is observability?

Getting Started with Citrix Remote Monitoring and Management Services

Brian Diamond, CEO, LANStatus has dedicated the past 25 years to help educate and support people just like you to find economical, custom-fit solutions that complement existing teams, not eliminate them. Brian is interviewed by Goliath Technologies CEO Thomas Charlton.