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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

What Is Distributed Tracing and Why You Need It

It is no surprise that monitoring workloads are top of mind for many organizations to ensure a successful customer experience. As our applications become more distributed and cloud-native, we find that monitoring can become more complex. A single user transaction fans out to interact with tens or hundreds of microservices, each one requesting data from backend data stores or otherwise interacting with each other and other parts of your infrastructure.

Nexthink Named Customers' Choice in 2021 Gartner Voice of Customer Report

The Nexthink team is excited to announce that we have been recognized in the September 2021, Peer Insights ‘Voice of the Customer’ report. Customers submitted over 150 reviews with an overall star rating of 4.6 (out of 5) and an impressive 4.7 rating (out of 5) for ‘Support Experience’ as of July 2021. Our team at Nexthink takes great pride in this distinction, as customer feedback continues to shape our products and services.

It's Here! Monitor Microsoft Teams Audio Video Conferencing

Exoprise released its long awaited Teams Audio Video Conferencing sensor. This sensor fully tests Audio/Video end-to-end capacity, throughput, and network performance through the actual underlying Microsoft Teams and Azure infrastructure. The Teams AV sensor provides deep insight into a network’s capability to handle the Teams/Skype Unified Communications (UC) platform.

Cannot connect to a website in Vietnam? Try these steps if your website is not accessible.

On September 4, 2021 a major submarine cable broke down in Vietnam causing network connectivity issues for a large portion of the population. Organizations hosted online and those with data centers outside those perimeters were hit the worst with most of their applications down or running extremely slow.

How the new Datadog plugin enhancements extend interoperability for our customers

At Grafana Labs, we have a “big tent” philosophy: We believe our users should be able to determine their own observability strategy and choose their own tools, so we help users bring different data sources together. Datadog is a powerful product used by many teams, and we hear a lot from customers about how we should further embrace and support this critical data source — which is why we created the Datadog data source plugin a few years ago.

How to Debug Cloudflare Workers with AppSignal

In this article, you’ll learn how to capture error logs in your Cloudflare Workers application using AppSignal. We’ll build a simple workers project and integrate AppSignal’s code to collect the necessary metrics. We’ll also learn how to utilize AppSignal’s dashboard to analyze and track errors. Let’s get stuck in!