The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.
Let’s admit something without shame: we love to use new technology. Maybe the latest smart phone, or a new lightweight laptop or tablet that makes it easier to work from anywhere, it’s all fair game. And when we are at our desk, we enjoy creating expansive workspaces with multiple monitors, a full-size keyboard, and other extras. When we look across our household, we might have duplicate, perhaps triplicate resources growing our technology real estate exponentially.
This post is about alert rules. Operators should ensure a baseline of observability for the software they operate. In this blog post, we cover Prometheus alert rules, how they work and their gotchas, and discuss how Prometheus alert rules can be embedded in Juju charms and how Juju topology enables the scoping of embedded alert rules to avoid inaccuracies.
Kent RO is an Indian multinational healthcare product company and a leader in the reverse osmosis (RO) water purifier category. Founded in 1999, Kent RO pioneered and brought the revolutionary RO technology to India. With a vision to enhance the quality of everyday living, Kent RO has evolved as a market leader that provides technologically advanced healthcare products ranging from water purifiers, air purifiers, to water softeners.
Introducing HighPerf, our highly scalable raw storage database that facilitates smarter analytics, faster troubleshooting, and better bandwidth management.
If you know someone who actually likes managing work across projects, we’d love to meet this mythical being. Because we can’t imagine who enjoys hand-sifting through digital piles of notifications, prioritizing issues, then tracking down the right developer to assign the issue to. And once you’re done with that detective work, your engineer-of-the-hour may not even have access to the right tools to resolve the issue. Who’s got time for all this org chart spelunking?
We’ve been busy this summer and introduced two new features last month – longer intervals and a grace period for recurring jobs monitoring (Heartbeat monitors). There is some good news this month too, so let’s get right into it!
Why do APIs require authentication in the first place? Users don't always need keys for read-only APIs. However, most commercial APIs require permission via API keys or other ways. Users might make an unlimited number of API calls without needing to register if your API had no security. Allowing limitless requests would make it impossible to develop a business structure for your API. Furthermore, without authentication, it would be difficult to link requests to individual user data.
Dropped log lines due to out-of-order timestamps can be a thing of the past! Allowing out-of-order writes has been one of the most-requested features for Loki, and we’re happy to announce that in the upcoming v2.4 release, the requirement to have log lines arrive in order by timestamp will be lifted. Simple configuration will allow out-of-order writes for Loki v2.4.