Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Event Correlation 101: Why It Matters, and Why It's Not Enough

You’ve seen the movie. You know the scene. There’s a diabolical criminal on the loose, a city in fear—and one obsessed investigator in dogged pursuit of justice. Her eyes are bloodshot from too many sleepless nights, too much caffeine, and too many cigarettes. She paces frantically in a windowless room. On the wall is a corkboard festooned with maps, notes, and pictures, and a web of red string is woven haphazardly across a clutter of seemingly unrelated clues.

Interop Digital IT Automation Strategy 2021 with Marshall Bartoszek from Orchestral.ai

Fireside Chat | The Five Stages of Automation Join Marshall Bartoszek from Orchestral.ai and Lenny Heyman from Interop and learn why laying the foundation of orchestration throughout your organization is the key first step towards accelerating your business towards an Intelligent Autonomous Infrastructure.

Logit.io Launch New ELK Stack Dashboard Layout

We are pleased to announce our newly launched dashboard design which we have created to assist cross team collaboration for users that prefer to use multiple Stacks per account. We understand that Cybersecurity specialists, Sysadmins, Product owners, developers and CTOs may all have different requirements for using our platform for logs and metrics analysis.

How LogDNA Gives Developers Easy Access To The Information They Need

Developers of any skill set find it frustrating when we don’t have access to the information we need. We want easy and complete access to application logs so that we can troubleshoot application problems. Quickly resolving issues requires a complete picture of what’s going on. Using the wrong tools limits our ability to determine what’s wrong, slowing the repair process.

7 Ways to Make Your Logs More Actionable

Generating and collecting logs is one thing. Generating and collecting actionable logs can be quite another. That's a problem because logs that are not actionable – meaning they can be easily used to derive valuable insights or resolve issues – are not very valuable. If you don't generate actionable logs, you might as well not log at all. Fortunately, ensuring that you generate useful logs is not tricky. Keep reading for seven tips on making your logs actionable and valuable.

Release code confidently with Automatic Faulty Deployment Detection

Modern software development teams use CI/CD tools to ship features quickly and rely on best practices like shift-left testing to find application errors before they become user-facing bugs. But you still face the risk that any code you deploy could contain errors that your testing did not surface. To help you deploy with confidence and mitigate the effects of a bad deployment, Datadog APM now provides Automatic Faulty Deployment Detection.

How to detect security threats in your systems' Linux processes

Almost all tasks within a Linux system, whether it’s an application, system daemon, or certain types of user activity, are executed by one or more processes . This means that monitoring processes is key to detecting potentially malicious activity in your systems, such as the creation of unexpected web shells or other utilities.