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How we use the k6 load-testing tool for developing Grafana

On the last day of GrafanaCONline in June, our CEO Raj Dutt announced that Grafana Labs had acquired k6 , the company behind the open source load-testing tool. In fact, our relationship with k6 had started more than two years earlier. At the beginning of 2019, we were working on replacing Grafana’s “remember me” cookie solution with a short-lived token solution for the Grafana 6.0 release.

Mobile Vitals - Four Metrics Every Mobile Developer Should Care About

Slow apps frustrate users, which leads to bad reviews, or customers that swipe left to competition. Unfortunately, seeing and solving performance issues can be a struggle and time-consuming. Most developers use profilers within IDEs like Android Studio or Xcode to hunt for bottlenecks and automated performance tests to catch performance regressions in their code during development. However, testing an application before it ships is not enough.

How to use Kibana time shifts, advanced formulas, and dynamic colors

Ad hoc analysis capabilities in Kibana enable you to visualize your time series data easily and intuitively. In this video, learn how to use time shifts, advanced formulas, and dynamic colors in Kibana to examine data over different time periods, author your own metrics to use in visualizations, and highlight important values in tables.

How Alert Notifications Make Incident Response More Effective

HR people have a saying: right person, right place, right time, meaning that the right resources can make all the difference when it counts. The same goes for Incident management and response, where very often the wrong person, place, or time can contribute to mounting catastrophe. As systems grow, the right person really can make the difference during an outage simply due to command or knowledge of the system.

Node.js Security and Observability using Lightrun & Snyk

As developers, we spend a lot of time in our IDEs writing new code, refactoring code, adding tests, fixing bugs and more. And in recent years, IDEs have become powerful tools, helping us developers with anything from interacting with HTTP requests to generally boosting our productivity. So you have to ask — what if we could also prevent security issues in our code before we ship it?

What Is Honeycomb's ROI? Forrester's Study on the Benefits of Observability

Register for the webinar and download the full study to see and apply Forrester’s financial model to determine the observability ROI for your organization. Many teams want to adopt observability and Honeycomb—but run into budget roadblocks because budget holders may not clearly understand the quantifiable benefits to their end users, their teams, and the bottom line.

Securing Serverless Applications with Critical Logging

We’ve seen time and again how serverless architecture can benefit your application; graceful scaling, cost efficiency, and a fast production time are just some of the things you think of when talking about serverless. But what about serverless security? What do I need to do to ensure my application is not prone to attacks? One of the many companies that do serverless security, Protego, came up with an analogy I really like.

8 Risks You Need To Mitigate During Cloud Migration

Migrating workloads to the cloud can be tricky. In fact, a study Virtana conducted earlier this year found that 72% of respondents had to move applications back on-premises after migrating them to the public cloud because they ran into a variety of problems. Clearly, organizations need to address these showstoppers.