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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Basic SQL Server Query Tuning Secrets Every SQL Admin Should Know

The performance of your applications is a complex, multi-layered puzzle. Performance can be negatively impacted at the application layer or even by remote calls to networked services. However, the most common bottleneck for applications is the data storage layer. The most common data storage tier for applications is a relational database, whose performance can vary widely depending on query optimization.

The Syslog Staying Power

Some classics never go out of style, like a good pair of boat shoes or cowboy boots, depending on where you live. In the logging world, syslog is this classic. For more than 30 years, the syslog protocol has been a standard for logging. When we talk to users about what type of logs they collect and how they send them to SolarWinds ® Papertrail ™ , syslog always comes up. “Our application logs and server system logs are sent to Papertrail.

Deployment Choices for eG Enterprise

You have two choices when deploying eG Enterprise: Wherever you choose to locate your eG Manager, eG Enterprise does not and will never collect data from your systems. There is never a data feed going from eG Manager to any outside system unless specifically configured by the customer and we do not incorporate any dubious call-home technologies. Before installing eG Enterprise, you will also need to consider the factors discussed in the Where to locate the eG Manager?

What Is Network Traffic Analysis? A Helpful Walkthrough

Network traffic analysis is the method of collecting, storing, and analyzing traffic across your network. Traffic data is collected in or near real time so you can have up-to-the-second information about what’s happening. This allows you to take action immediately if a problem arises. You can also store this data for historical analysis.

What Is Network Traffic and How Do You Monitor It?

“Network traffic” is a term that describes the influx and outflux of network packets within an organization’s network. Understanding and monitoring this traffic is an important step in protecting an organization’s health. This blog post discusses what network traffic is, the different types, and how you can monitor it.

An Introduction to Anomaly Detection

In early 1900, Sakashi Toyoda invented a loom that automatically stops when the thread breaks, limiting the need for someone to watch the machine constantly. This approach was later named “Jidoka” and became one of the two pillars of the TPS (Toyota Production System) with just-in-time production representing the second pillar.

The Best Things Come in Content Packs: Synthetic Managing and Third-Party APM

We recently announced the new Splunk App for Content Packs, your single source for all the goodness that is content packs. This new app makes it easier than ever to get started with Splunk for IT use cases. Individual content packs come with prepackaged content and out-of-the-box searches and dashboards, helping streamline workflows and ensuring you get the most out of your usage with Splunk IT Service Intelligence (ITSI) and Splunk IT Essentials Work (ITE Work).

Best practices for collecting and managing serverless logs with Datadog

Logs are an essential part of an effective monitoring strategy, as they provide granular information about activity that occurs anywhere in your system. In serverless environments, however, you have no access to the infrastructure that supports your applications, so you must rely entirely on logs from individual AWS services when troubleshooting performance issues.