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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Monitor Conviva with Datadog

Conviva is a platform that helps businesses gain real-time insight into the overall performance and playback quality of their streaming video content. With video streaming workflows, slow start-up times and playback errors can hinder user experience and ultimately drive customers away. With Conviva, you can view key Quality of Experience (QoE) metrics, including video playback failures, rebuffering ratios, and other business-critical data to help monitor and enhance your viewer experience.

Why Teams Performance Monitoring is More Than Just Measuring Uptime

When your organization’s very ability to share, collaborate and meet depends on Microsoft Teams performing, solely watching Teams service availability simply isn’t enough. Employees operate on the assumption that every bit of technology they rely on just works. Teams is the modern example of the most critical application to businesses today, with over 145 million daily active users.

Understand your services with Cloud Logging

What do you do when you know your service is having an issue? In this episode of Engineering for Reliability, we’ll show how you can use Cloud Logging to ingest, route, store, and view logs from your services and use them to fully understand application issues. Watch to learn how you can find issues faster, make your services more reliable, and keep your users happy.

The NetOps Expert - Episode 3: DX NetOps 21.2 Delivers Industry-Leading Network Monitoring Scale

In this episode of The NetOps Expert, Broadcom’s Robert Kettles and Jeremy Rossbach discuss the global pandemic and the evolution of networking and the impact on our current customers network operations and how these events have shed a new light on the need for advanced network monitoring scale?

Welcoming Scope Creep | An IT Journey to Monitoring Glory: Session 2

Now that your Network Management System is up and running, where do you go from here? “Scope creep” doesn’t (necessarily) have to be a bad phrase. Extending your monitoring out beyond the initial intention isn’t just encouraged, it’s commendable. Having all your business-critical information in one place speeds up troubleshooting and allows you to get in front of issues before they turn into problems.