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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Ask the Experts and Innovators: Leigh Reed

Ask the Experts and Innovators Ask the Experts and Innovators is a new content series which explores real stories of dramatic improvement in CX (customer experience), application performance, IT Operations, and DevOps as well as the cross-functional conundrums of root cause analysis (RCA) and problem resolution. Ask the Experts and Innovators is produced by Nastel Technologies.

Kubernetes Observability Challenges: The Need for an AI-Driven Solution

Kubernetes provides abstraction and simplicity with a declarative model to program complex deployments. However, this abstraction and simplicity create complexity when debugging microservices in this abstract layer. The following four vectors make it challenging to troubleshoot microservices.

Top Windows Server Parameters to Monitor

The server operating system (OS) is dominated by two companies. Red Hat, the first one, dominates the open-source server market. While Windows, the second one, dominates the closed-source market. According to a 2018 study by T4, Microsoft controls 47.8% of the industry share, whereas Red Hat controls only 33.9% of the market. The remaining 18.3% is controlled by alternative server OSs. Windows server monitoring has become a hot topic.

Managing Your Invisible Workforce

To say that things have changed since March 2020 is so commonplace it’s becoming trite. Everybody knows that people have worked from home where possible. HR and IT functions have dovetailed as never before. The HR personnel are therefore likely to be working from home, but they have an additional pressure: they are supporting, and their managers are managing, teams they can’t see.

How you can recycle your unused tech gadgets for free

In every home, there is a place that we store things that we no longer need or use. It’s something that once gave us joy, albeit at an initial cost, and for this reason we seem unable to throw it away even though we no longer have a use for it. The main culprit? Old tech gadgets. Whether it’s at my home, my parent’s house, or the family holiday house, there is always a drawer where old phones, cables, music players, and earphones are stored away and forgotten about.

Using AWS Athena with Coralogix S3 Archive

Coralogix can be configured to automatically and dynamically archive logs to an S3 bucket. This saves Coralogix customers money, but of course there are times when the data needs to be reindexed. This operation counts the reindexed logs against the daily quota. Many times customers would like to search and focus on the exact logs to be reindexed or even query the logs outside of Coralogix all together.

Intro to Elasticsearch: From Deployment to Basic Usage

Elastic is “an index”, “a search engine”, “a big data solution”, an analytics platform with advanced data visualizations and incredibly fast search capabilities. In short, it’s a solution for many problems. The Elasticsearch platform provides a distributed search cluster that enables large amounts of data to be indexed and searched at scale.