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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

What's New in Splunk Cloud: Part 1

Every business transformation needs a data strategy and the ability to manage increasingly complex environments. And while companies all over the globe are embracing the cloud, this shift has only exacerbated the associated complexity, compounded by the uncertainty brought about by the current global pandemic. You’ve got more data centers and attack surfaces to monitor and secure, in addition to greater unpredictability and risk.

Why Monitor Third-Party Web Applications?

If you provide a web service or benefit from a provided service, there’s typically an agreement between the provider and customers to contractually bind the provider to meet a certain level of service, otherwise known as a Service Level Agreement (SLA). The provider needs to be sure they deliver quality site performance and they’re extremely reliable, at the risk of hurting their brand reputation and losing customers.

What Can Website Uptime History Tell You? (That You Don't Already Know)

According to a 2019 study conducted by Forrester, 44% of the IT directors surveyed indicated their organizations face unplanned downtime bimonthly. The study also estimated unplanned downtime costs 35% more per minute than planned downtime. If you’re an MSP, a failure to meet SLAs for uptime can lead to even higher costs and penalties.

APM Integrated Experience

We’ve been listening to our customers. Whether you’re a SolarWinds® Loggly® or SolarWinds AppOptics™ user, we’ve been working hard to make your life easier. We’re happy to announce a brand-new experience that brings together metrics, traces, and logs in a single platform, making it faster and easier to troubleshoot application and infrastructure issues.

What Can Website Uptime History Tell You? (That You Don't Already Know)

According to a 2019 study conducted by Forrester, 44% of the IT directors surveyed indicated their organizations face unplanned downtime bimonthly. The study also estimated unplanned downtime costs 35% more per minute than planned downtime. If you’re an MSP, a failure to meet SLAs for uptime can lead to even higher costs and penalties.

Can You Consistently Deliver the Digital Experience You've Promised?

If the users aren’t happy, then in short order, neither will anyone else be. The ubiquity of information technology has exposed users to the best the IT industry has to offer—and the worst. So, if end-user experience is king, how does one go about ensuring users stay happy? The short answer is application performance management (APM) tools. Users don’t care if the apps they use are in the cloud, on-premises, or something in between.

Citrix NetScaler ADM for Virtual App and Desktop Performance Management

Citrix Application Delivery Management (ADM) – previously called as Citrix NetScaler Management and Analytics System (MAS) – is a centralized management solution that provides administrators with the ability to manage and monitor Citrix application networking products from a single, unified console. Citrix ADM includes a number of modules including Web Insight, HDX Insight, Gateway Insight, Security Insight, SSL Insight, TCP Insight, Video Insight, and WAN Insight.

"Catchpoint, If You Aren't Using It, You Aren't Monitoring Your Applications Properly": Catchpoint is Recognized as a 2020 Gartner Peer Insight's Customer's Choice

We’re thrilled to have earned the distinction of being recognized as a Customer’s Choice in the October 2020 Gartner Peer Insights’ ‘Voice of the Customer’: Network Performance Monitoring & Diagnostics (NPMD) category Gartner Peer Insights’ Customer Choice distinctions “recognize vendors and products that are highly rated by their customers.” Everyone thinks they have happy customers, but how do they know they do?

A User Journey: Setting Up the Node Beeline on Lambda

Nic Wise at Tend Health recently wrote a series of blog posts exploring how they moved away from logs and metrics, toward adopting observability with Honeycomb. In that series, he shares lessons learned as they got their NodeJS app instrumented in an AWS environment making use of CloudFront, API Gateway, Lambda, and a few other services. Tend is a New Zealand-based healthcare platform launching in 2020.

Gartner: What You Need for Cloud-Centric Monitoring

Enterprise IT organizations which are not doing anything in the public cloud are becoming a rarity. A global survey conducted by O’Reilly prior to the onset of Covid-19 found that 88% of organizations are using cloud in one form or another, and public cloud dominates. Several surveys since March have shown that public cloud adoption is accelerating and with it a preference for multi-cloud computing.