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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

We're making Prometheus use less memory and restart faster

A few months ago, I blogged about memory-mapping of full chunks of the head block from disk. The feature, which was introduced in Prometheus v2.19.0, brings down memory usage and restart time. Additionally, there’s another Prometheus feature in progress that snapshots in-memory data during shutdown for faster restarts; it’s expected to cut down the restart times by a big factor.

How to monitor kube-proxy

In this article, you will learn how to monitor kube-proxy to ensure the correct health of your cluster network. Kube-proxy is one of the main components of the Kubernetes control plane, the brains of your cluster. One of the advantages of Kubernetes is that you don’t worry about your networking or how pods physically interconnect with one another. Kube-proxy is the component that does this work.

Coralogix is recognized by Gartner as a Cool Vendor in Performance Analysis

As the leading log management and analytics platform, we’re proud to announce that we’ve been recognized in the Gartner “2020 Cool Vendors in Performance Analysis” report by Padraig Byrne. Gartner, Inc. is the world’s leading information technology research and advisory company. They offer world-class, objective insights on a wide variety of IT solutions.

Sentry for Spring Boot & Logback

While Spring Boot provides everything developers need build applications, it leaves operational aspects of debugging issues to the developers and third-party services. If up until now all you had was log aggregation, where you can browse and filter through a web UI, prepare to have your mind blown with Sentry’s automatic error grouping, alerting, breadcrumbs, and much more. Sentry has recently launched a major update to the Java SDK. In the post, we’ll focus on Spring Boot and Logback.

Enhancing Observability in DevSecOps

Digital transformation often accelerates innovation at the expense of creating an intelligence gap with massive amounts of unanalyzed data. This is where Continuous Intelligence comes into play. Join Sumo Logic’s Systems Engineer, Suresh Govindachetty, as he demonstrates how Continuous Intelligence helps find and solve information gaps, and how a single platform approach allows organisations to combine devs, operations, and security in ways that ease the burden for all teams across the organisation.

Everything You Need to Know About DNS Monitoring

In order to communicate, web pages, devices and applications need a common naming system which allows them to identify each other and send information. This is particularly important when the communication takes place over the Internet because of the large number of services and websites that need to be identified. This is why the Domain Name System (DNS) is so important for businesses. It matches website pages and devices to an IP address that can be traced by other devices.

Using rKubeLog Collector for Aggregated Log Centralization

Debugging and resolving incidents in nodeless environments can be difficult, time-consuming, and most of all, frustrating. Exporting your logs from these ephemeral and disparate services to a centrally aggregated log is a great way to correlate information, quickly resolve incidents, and make your life a little easier.

Avoiding Disaster With AIOps

AIOps is one of the fastest-growing categories in the IT operations management (ITOM) software space. With increasing demands on IT, the ability to leverage AI is critical to successful operations. The adoption statistics are quite staggering. Gartner reports that by 2022, 40% of large enterprises will use AIOps tools to support or replace monitoring and service desk tasks.

How to analyze IIS logs for better monitoring

Log analysis helps organizations determine the best way to optimize application functionality while giving development teams a leg up in root cause analysis. With that said, it’s not feasible to scroll through thousands of lines of log entries in a text editor. Instead, development teams need modern tools that enable them to centralize, filter, and analyze their logs in a way that allows them to glean valuable insights in a time-efficient manner.