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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Reputation Matters - Nexthink's Execs Share Favorite Customer Stories

Perhaps one of Nexthink’s most endearing qualities is that it has never been a “drink the kool-aid” type of company. Yes, we are proud to be the leading experience management platform in IT, but that honor is most championed from outside, not within. From its beginnings, Nexthink has been used by enterprise IT to narrow the gap between what employees expect at work and what they receive.

Using Observability as a Proxy for Customer Happiness

Today, users and customers are driven by response rates to their online requests. It’s no longer good enough to just have a request run to completion, it also has to fit within the perceived limits of “fast enough”. Yet, as we continue to build cloud-native applications with microservice architectures, driven by container orchestration like Kubernetes in public clouds, we need to understand the behavior of our system across all aspects, not just one.

Dashboards Beta v0.6: O.M.G. Oh My Grid (Layout)

If you’re new to the Dashboards Beta app on Splunkbase and you’re trying to get started with building beautiful dashboards, the "Dashboards Beta" blog series is a great place to start. This Dashboards Beta app brings a new dashboard framework, intended to combine the best of Simple XML and Glass Tables, and provide a friendlier experience for creating and editing dashboards.

OpenTelemetry, Open Collaboration

OpenTelemetry — the merger of OpenCensus and OpenTracing — appeared in May of 2019, led by companies like Omnition (now a part of Splunk), Google, Microsoft, and others who are pushing the curve on observability. OpenTelemetry is a project within the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) that has gathered contributors and supporters far and wide, becoming one of the most active projects found in open source today. It’s currently #2 behind only Kubernetes!

Implement Observability as Code with HashiCorp and Splunk

Driven by digital market shifts, organizations are adopting cloud and cloud-native technologies to deliver a better end-user experience, scale efficiently — both up and down —and increase innovation velocity. While distributed cloud architecture brings agility, it also brings operational complexity. Therefore, developing effective observability practices is all the more important for delivering a flawless end-user experience for cloud applications.

SQL Server Performance Tuning Best Practices Using DPA Tool

Query tuning is generally considered one of the fastest ways to accelerate your Microsoft SQL Server performance. System-level server performance improvement activities can be expensive and ineffective. Moreover, expert developers agree most SQL Server performance issues can be traced directly to poorly written queries and ineffective indexing rather than hardware constraints. In fact, many performance problems can only be resolved through query optimization and tuning.

Distributed Computing - When Everyone Is Working From Home

We’ve officially made it past day 100 in quarantine. I hope you’ve found your groove, perfected your at-home office/workspace, learned a new language, tested six new bread recipes, and launched a successful TikTok channel. I also hope your pants still fit and you remember how to put them on correctly. Working from home has been an interesting situation to say the least, and has come with a whirlwind of emotions and business updates, two things I never expected to type in the same sentence.

Unified JFrog Platform Monitoring With Prometheus and Grafana

Running the JFrog DevOps Platform on Kubernetes in your enterprise can mean serving millions of artifacts to developers and customers each day. But operating at top performance requires being able to answer some vital questions. Like what is the most requested artifact? What is the most popular repo? Who are your heaviest users? For security, which users are doing bad things, and from which IPs?

The future of e-commerce

E-commerce is skyrocketing, there is no doubt whatsoever. With unstoppable annual growth and close to 2,000 million users worldwide, e-commerce has already been able to surpass traditional commerce in some product categories and takes an important place in most of them. But what is the future of e-commerce? Since its inception, back in the 90s, taking advantage of the Internet getting widely known, e-commerce has not stopped growing to become even more and more popular.

How Artificial Intelligence is Shaping the Industry of VPN

Artificial intelligence refers to the machine's ability to learn and think. Given that it sort of mimics how humans think and reason, AI's application is virtually endless. AI reduces human error, do a task that is risky for humans to do, help humans solve complex, and so much more. With the emergence of artificial intelligence, concerns about data privacy have been brought into the light. Artificial intelligence relies on our personal information to learn.