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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

Understanding Java Garbage Collection Logging: What Are GC Logs and How To Analyze Them

When working with Java or any other JVM-based programming language we get certain functionalities for free. One of those functionalities is clearing the memory. If you’ve ever used languages like C/C++ you probably remember functions like malloc, calloc, realloc and free. We needed to take care of the assignment of each byte in memory and take care of releasing the assigned memory when it was no longer needed.

Why Troubleshooting Tools are Important to Any Citrix Upgrade

The Extended Support end-date for XenApp 6.5 is just under two months away, so the remaining customers, which I expect to be a fair few, should be on their migration journey to the Flexcast Management Architecture versions of Virtual Apps and Desktops 7. We should take a moment to firstly identify the different types of customers and where they are on their Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops journey.

[WEBINAR] How to Build a World Class Monitoring Strategy

IT leaders agree that performance monitoring is absolutely critical to their success, yet the design and execution of a monitoring strategy can often be an afterthought. During this webinar, LogicMonitor and AWS will present the key components of a world-class performance monitoring strategy, along with a framework to improve monitoring effectiveness.

Boosting Orion Platform Performance With New Maps, Syslog/Trap Engines - SolarWinds Lab #82 (Part 1)

Want to learn a couple of easy ways to increase performance of your SolarWinds Orion Platform? Of course you do! In this networking-focused part one of our year-end performance series, Senior Network Performance Monitor (NPM) Product Manager Jason Carrier joins Head Geeks Patrick Hubbard and Sascha Giese to reveal how to free up CPU resources, load web views faster, and spend less time managing settings.

DevOps Best Practices: A Complete Guide

Having high profits and productivity without any disturbance—isn’t that every company’s dream? Whenever there’s talk about better productivity and revenue, DevOps never fails to come into the limelight. It seems like it’s the latest IT buzzword. Everybody is discussing the relatively new concept and how it has come to transform the IT sector. But how well do we really know DevOps? What is DevOps? Why do we need it?

It's here! Uptrends' new Web Application Monitoring with Self-Service Transactions

Uptrends has been revising and testing its new Web Application Monitoring for more than a year now to bring you the tool you deserve. Self-Service Transactions are available right now to all of our Business and Enterprise users! With Self-Service Transactions you have the power to take your Web Application Monitoring to the next level.

Virtana Expands Monitoring Coverage and Enhances Infrastructure Capacity Planning with Latest Version of VirtualWisdom

Hybrid Infrastructure Management and AIOps Platform Builds on Customer Requirements to Deepen Infrastructure Visibility, Simplify Capacity Management, and Better Control Infrastructure Costs

Root Cause Analysis and the Road to Automated Remediation

No one wants to get paged in the middle of the night for an issue or failure within their infrastructure. When this does happen, IT operations engineers need to be able to quickly and confidently identify where the fire is and how to put it out to minimize negative impact. The root cause analysis (RCA) feature within LogicMonitor’s new AIOps Early Warning System makes this easier than ever.