The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.
Well, my developer friends, 2020 is your year. Businesses in practically every industry have a fever to grow their IT operations and automate just anything possible. I know, I know. The demand for developers is nothing new. But 2020 is different. 2020 is the year where we see some of this decade’s most exciting technologies become commercially viable, and others finally go mainstream.
For all its benefits, Virtualization Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) continues to be a massive headache for many enterprise technology teams. From improper personas and sizing, long logon times, hangs, lost sessions, freezes and crashes—often one small mistake in a virtualized environment can set your entire enterprise ablaze.
The following is a guest post from Trey Dockendorf of Tailored Automation. He is a maintainer and the top contributor to the Sensu Puppet module. Trey has been developing Puppet modules for 10 years and specializes in system administration for high-performance computing.
As your on-premise network infrastructure grows in size and complexity, monitoring thousands of devices becomes a challenge. Whether you’re monitoring firewalls in a branch office or the routing and switching fabric in your datacenter over which all customer transactions are performed, visibility into all points of your infrastructure is critical for network maintenance.
Hashicorp Vault is a tool for managing secrets—sensitive data such as passwords, certificates, and API keys. Vault allows you to encrypt your secrets, control access to them, and audit activity to see who has requested data from your Vault. Datadog already monitors the status of your Vault servers—for example, you can configure the Vault integration to automatically notify you if a Vault server is unexpectedly sealed, or if there is a leader change in your Vault cluster.
The California Consumer Protection (CCPA) act took effect on January 1, 2020, and companies across the globe are scrambling to get their act together to avoid non-compliance penalties. Although enforcement of the CCPA doesn’t officially begin until July 2020, the California Attorney General’s office will still be able to penalize violations that occurred between implementation on January 1 and official enforcement in July.
Sentry makes it pretty easy to connect a customer-facing issue right to the line of code, the release, and even the commit that caused it. At least that’s what developers tell us on Twitter. But you’re rarely working with obvious errors or errors affecting just one user. That’s why we added some new features to Discover and made diagnosing root causes even easier.
We're delighted to welcome Merijn Overgaauw, Service Monitoring and Automation Consultant at GripMatix, back for another guest blog. This time, he explains the creative process behind the useful topology overview of GripMatix's latest SquaredUp Dashboard Pack. Fascinating stuff!