Why I pick Heroku over AWS Lambda. But not always.
When adding a new feature to Checkly or refactoring some older piece, I tend to pick Heroku for rolling it out. But not always, because sometimes I pick AWS Lambda.
The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.
When adding a new feature to Checkly or refactoring some older piece, I tend to pick Heroku for rolling it out. But not always, because sometimes I pick AWS Lambda.
When it comes to Application Performance Management (APM), there are two main technologies used to measure end-user perspective performance: synthetic monitoring (STM) and real user monitoring (RUM). We’ll discuss the pros and cons of each of the technologies especially related to monitoring third-party apps. Third-party apps like Office 365 and GSuite are experiencing a surge of growth for mission-critical purposes within business.
We recently launched our new Status Page feature. Under the hood, it's using the Caddy proxy server and Laravel's subdomain routing to serve the right status page on the right domain. With this technology stack, we can automatically generate, configure & renewe the SSL certificates for custom domains of our clients. In this post we'll deep dive in to our current setup.
A distributed IT infrastructure has many servers operating across multiple regions. Applying a single consistent time across servers will ensure isolated servers communicate in the proper time zone when exposed to the internet. When Microsoft encountered this problem back in 2017, the servers were offset by almost an hour, affecting a number of windows machines. With Reddit, it was a different case.
Welcome to our series of blog posts about things Sentry does that perhaps we shouldn’t do. Don’t get us wrong — we don’t regret our decisions. We’re sharing our notes in case you also choose the path less traveled. In this post, we stretch technologies to their limits to see real-time data while handling traffic spikes.
Earlier this year we announced the official LogicMonitor - ServiceNow CMDB App, and it’s been exciting to see how quickly our customers are adopting the feature-rich integration. As with most workflow integrations across the LogicMonitor ecosystem, the CMDB App was built with customization in mind.
Some say you have to move all of your server infrastructure into the cloud. Others counter that you should keep your data safe and secure in your own datacenter. And then there are many people in between who use cloud services as an addition to their self-hosted servers. In fact, there’s no right or wrong, because as always in IT: It depends. We at Icinga always try to find a way to make everyone happy with their monitoring – be it in the cloud or on premise.
Serverless has become something of a buzzword lately - but it’s much more than a trend. Its benefits have gained the attention of professionals and amateurs in the tech industry, mainly due to how much cloud vendors have raved about the design. For mid-sized ventures, the idea of serverless is exceptionally appealing, for those looking for budget-friendly, but useful pieces of technology. It’s genuinely breaking the ground and is sure to make even more moves in the tech industry.
The following first appeared in Cloud Tech News. In early June 2019, Google Cloud suffered a cascading set of faults that rendered multiple service regions unavailable for a number of hours. This by itself isn’t totally unprecedented; what made it significant was the way it propagated through the very software that was designed to contain it. Moreover, engineers’ initial attempts to correct the issue were thwarted by the failure of that same software architecture.