The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.
How much infrastructure for a domain or application can fail before the customer starts to notice? What about before your productivity is affected? The answer to these questions will help you fully utilize uptime monitoring. Here are just a few examples of services that can be monitored for better piece of mind.
Errors are expensive; they steal resources allocated for other things and potentially negatively impact revenue and user sentiment. And, for teams comprised of volunteers working in their spare time, errors can take weeks to triage and resolve. So, despite what Google might tell you, Sentry for Good is not merely a solution to your pet’s pesky pheromone problems (although it is clearly also that, if PetSmart’s Google results are any indication).
Unlike traditional SQL databases, NoSQL databases, or “non-SQL” databases, do not store their data in tabular relations. Originally designed for modern web-scale databases, they have found widespread use in present-day big data and real-time web applications. Some of the most commonly used data structures include key-value, wide column, graph, and document stores.
Metrics for all – and all for metrics. At Grafana, we not only strive to give people a “single pane of glass” to unify observability metrics. From the very start, our mission has been to advocate for the democratization of metrics, which is the idea that the paradigm needs to shift between who can store data, why they need to store it, and, ultimately, what they’re able to with it. And Grafana users are a great example of how vast and varied the needs are for data access.
After our initial release of Icinga Reporting for early adopters we continued our development and are happy to release v0.9.1 today. The release includes bug fixes and some minor enhancements for the usability. I want to take this opportunity to write a post aimed at the people who are new to the whole reporting shabang – like me. This week I set out to figuring out for myself why one would need to use reporting and how to get there – and to share my new knowledge with you!
There was time, where CRT screens were ubiquitous. In this time dark websites were pretty common since the way CRT screen emits light worked pretty well with dark colours. Then LCD screens came into every hour. Those were pretty bad compared to CRT, especially in terms of showing true shades of grey. This was the end of black websites popularity. Dark went underground.