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The latest News and Information on Monitoring for Websites, Applications, APIs, Infrastructure, and other technologies.

SQS and Lambda: a Quick Tutorial and How to Handle Failure Modes

Since Lambda added SQS as an event source, there has been a misconception that SQS is now a “push-based” service. This seems true from the perspective of your function because you no longer have to poll SQS yourself. However, SQS itself hasn’t changed – it is still very much a “poll-based” service. The difference is that the Lambda service is managing the pollers (and paying for them!) on your behalf.

Serverless and containers - how and when to use them

If you have anything to do with the world of cloud computing or even programming for that matter, then I’m sure you’ve heard of different terms being tossed around such as “serverless computing” or “containers,” and even “monolithic architectures.” A lot of people who understand such computing methods can have a bad habit of using these terms without leaving any explanation as to what they are.

Settling the Score: The Digital Employee Experience Score That Helps IT Power Business

Thousands of IT professionals wake up every morning focused on improving their employees’ digital experience at work. Even while our customers and their forward-thinking tech executives work tirelessly to improve that experience, many expressed frustration with their inability to show progress and success.

Computing Memory Usage According to Task Manager

When you look at Task Manager, it’s hard to compare it to any counter you see in Performance Monitor. The reason is there are many ways to discuss memory usage and it’s cousin free memory. If you think about it, you really don’t want your computer to have free memory laying around. That would represent computer resources the computer could be using but isn’t.

Copy and paste widgets to share data across teams and dashboards

As your environment grows in scale and complexity, finding faster ways to build rich dashboards and share strategic insights with the right team members becomes more important. To help you easily share data with anyone, anywhere, we are happy to announce that you can now copy and paste widgets within Datadog (across dashboards, Notebooks, and accounts)—and even in emails and other communication channels like Slack.

The dark art of prioritization and more: Tech leaders weigh in on software quality

Every software professional in a leadership role is concerned about the caliber of software that gets into the hands of customers. Questions like, is the new app slow to load? Is it working as it should? Why has churn increased? Are natural consequences of building software, yet we don’t always get the answers we need.

The World Of Cloud-Native Monitoring

Logs have always been a crucial part of applications, providing insight into an application’s every operation and auditing all of its activities. Yet to date, logs have been used primarily for researching incident details or applicative failures. Only recently have R&D and operations teams started paying closer attention to logs in an effort to identify incidents as they occur and recognize trends that can prevent future pitfalls.

Benchmarking Ruby Code

One of the joys of using the Ruby language is the many different ways that you can solve the same problem, it’s a very expressive language with a rich set of libraries. But how do we know which is the best, most efficient, use of the language? When we are talking about algorithms which are critical to the performance of your application, understanding the most efficient approach to take is essential.

Loki's Path to GA: Live Tailing

Launched at KubeCon North America last December, Loki is a Prometheus-inspired service that optimizes storage, search, and aggregation while making logs easy to explore natively in Grafana. Loki is designed to work easily both as microservices and as monoliths, and correlates logs and metrics to save users money. Less than a year later, Loki has almost 6,500 stars on GitHub and is now quickly approaching GA.

Tools This Engineer Uses: Meetup, Glitch, Anki, (Actual) Paper

You probably use many tools to get through the day. Do you ever wonder what tools get other people through their days? In our Tools This Engineer Uses series, we explore the routines, systems, and tools your peers rely on to solve problems and accomplish goals. Liz Krane, Sentry’s new Developer Advocate, is no stranger to meetups. She created and continues to run Learn Teach Code, the second-largest tech meetup in Southern California with over 9,500 members.