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The latest News and Information on CyberSecurity for Applications, Services and Infrastructure, and related technologies.

What Is Metasploit?

In this quick guide for cybersecurity professionals, we’ve invited some of our favourite security experts who have previously worked with Metasploit to explain why this tool is so valuable for conducting effective penetration tests and network reconnaissance tasks. Our first expert Michael Roninson, Security Expert at Cerber Tech gives a brief overview of this tool and how to use it in his response below;

Sysdig contributes Falco's kernel module, eBPF probe, and libraries to the CNCF

Today, I’m excited to announce the contribution of the sysdig kernel module, eBPF probe, and libraries to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. The source code of these components will move into the Falco organization and be hosted in the falcosecurity github repository. These components are at the base of Falco, the CNCF tool for runtime security and de facto standard for threat detection in the cloud.

Is my CI pipeline vulnerable?

Your continuous integration (CI) pipelines are at the core of the change management process for your applications. When set up correctly, the CI pipeline can automate many manual tasks to ensure that your application and the environments it runs in are consistent and repeatable. This pipeline can be an integral part of your security strategy if you use it to scan applications, containers, and infrastructure configuration for vulnerabilities.

Get more insights into your organization's mobile device posture information by using the Cortex XSOAR Pack for MobileIron (acquired by Ivanti) Core and Cloud

More than 52% of organizations now offer their employees, contractors and frontline workers the ability to work securely from any endpoint of their choice. This modern workplace includes diverse endpoints such as iOS, macOS, Android, Windows 10 devices, as well as other immersive and rugged devices such as HoloLens, Oculus, Zebra and more - and IT teams need a scalable solution to secure and manage them.

Defense Department Cybersecurity: All Ahead on Zero Trust

With the Defense Department’s quick and successful pivot to a remote workforce last Spring via its Commercial Virtual Remote (CVR) environment, it proved that the future to fully operate from anywhere in the world is now. Gone are the days of thousands of civilian employees heading into the Pentagon or other installations everyday. However, with this new disparate workforce comes increased risks for network security. As my colleague Bill Wright expertly noted last Summer.

It Came From The Clouds

Beware that which lives amongst the Clouds. Or, ya know, just attack them mercilessly. One of the best parts about having such talented security pros at Splunk, is they also make amazing products. And some are even free. Enter the Cloud Attack Range, a detection development platform written/maintained by Splunkers Jose Hernandez and Mike Haag and open-sourced to everyone. Joining us will be Co-Founder of Red Canary Keith McCammon. Red Canary integrates with Attack Cloud to help generate attack data. It’s a true community project and we’re going to chat about it.

I Wish Someone Had Squished That Phish

It’s long since been established that it’s not if a breach will occur in your enterprise, it’s when. Are you prepared for that response? As Dave Kennedy, CEO of TrustedSec once asked a Brrcon audience, “If all you had was Sysmon, could you still do a successful IR?” Best practices are only best if you actually practice them. Along with Robert Wagner, Staff Security Specialist at Splunk, we’ll talk about ways to get your teams to their fighting weight when the bad guys sneak in through the basement.

Security Spotlight: Ryan Kovar

Splunk is home to some of the best security minds that this industry has to offer. Once a month we’ll take a deep dive and have a chat with one of those minds. First up, Distinguished Security Strategist and co-creator of the Boss Of The SOC, Ryan Kovar. With 20 years of experience in the security space, we’ll have a lot to chat about over the course of an hour.

What's new in Sysdig - February 2021

Welcome to another monthly update on what’s new from Sysdig. Our team continues to work hard to bring great new features to all of our customers, automatically and for free! We hope you all managed to make it through January, and happy Lunar New Year! February welcomes the launch of our always-popular fourth annual Sysdig Container Security and Usage report, which looks at how global Sysdig customers of all sizes and industries are using and securing container environments.