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The latest News and Information on CyberSecurity for Applications, Services and Infrastructure, and related technologies.

Episode 5: Let's Encrypt? Let's Not.

SSL support is table stakes for any modern website. Browsers and search engines penalize un-encrypted websites to such an extent that SSL is necessary just to participate in the modern web. In many cases it is a quick, easy option for configuring SSL. Let's Encrypt is held up as a one-size-fits-all solution to everything SSL, but there are downsides. Situations differ between applications and LE is not always the best fit. Let’s Encrypt isn't a fit for Request Metrics. For now, we’ll buy a certificate like grumpy old men.

Making a Big GDPR CCPA Issue a Small One

British Airways, now there is a big GDPR issue. 500,000 people were affected over 15 days. Reputation damaged, untold revenue lost and a $230 million dollar fine and that is before any damages are paid. In my former life, I thought GDPR was a boring tick box exercise, it really could not be further from the truth. It is a scare your pants off ride, one that needs to be taken very, very seriously. Your company’s existence is at stake.

CASB vs Cloud SIEM for SaaS Security

Today’s businesses spend more money on SaaS tools than on laptops. On average, today’s employees use a minimum of eight different SaaS tools. The security implications of this robust cloud landscape cannot be neglected and we trust you are fully aware of it already. As an IT leader, you are responsible for keeping your company’s cloud infrastructure secure, but with the multitude of cloud apps businesses use on a daily basis, you have less and less control of that security landscape.

Now Available: Calico for Windows on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform

Approximately one year ago, Kubernetes 1.14 made support of Windows containers running on Microsoft Windows Server nodes generally available. This was a declaration that Windows node support was stable, well-tested, and ready for adoption, meaning the vast ecosystem of Windows-based applications could be deployed on the platform.