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5 ways to make the most of Jira Software and Bitbucket

In a recent study of software development teams using Jira Software, we found those that integrate with Bitbucket release 14% faster than those that don’t. For many industries where the pace of change is rapid and the market incredibly competitive, it’s this speed that can separate the great products in the eyes of users from the merely “good” ones.

Software as a Service (SaaS) vs. Software as a Product (SaaP)

As you might have already guessed, the SaaS definition is "Software as a Service". This type of software is being delivered online via a browser and is hosted by the software vendor or another third party. A regular monthly fee is being charged for the use. On rare ocasions there are one time payment deals. The vendor of the web-based solution delivers a service that covers all security, availability and performance standards.

OnPage: Unified clinical communications for care teams

Gone are the days when a patient could go into a healthcare facility and only see one physician from start to finish. Today, care teams are replacing the traditional approach to healthcare. These newer models are more patient-centered and include “Teamlets ” and “Family Team Care ” as part of their approach. In order for these new models to be effective, they not only need changes in resources but also require a change in the way they communicate.

How to Accurately Troubleshoot Citrix ICA Network and Connectivity Related Issues

When troubleshooting Citrix end user experience issues, problems are often rooted in the bandwidth users have available for Citrix connectivity or Citrix connection latency. However, these conditions are not visible from a pure network monitoring perspective, as network monitoring tools can only leverage Netflow, AppFlow Analysis, SNMP, SYSLOG or ICMP monitoring.

Amazon Prime Day Downtime Blues

For about 3 hours at the very beginning of Amazon Prime Day, Amazon’s website experienced outages on both the East and West coasts of the US. Even the world’s largest retailer isn’t prone to technical mishaps. In fact, Amazon’s server infrastructure is reasonably stable. This particular outage is a fascinating study in how Amazon’s website downtime affects a business in real time.

Logging, Six Ways from Sunday: How to Use the New Logging Module for Orion® - SolarWinds Lab #67

In this episode, join product manager Jamie Hynds and Head Geeks Patrick Hubbard and Leon Adato as they walk you through how to use the new log management module, review best practices to get the most out of syslogs, and of course cover how-to’s for deployment management and configuration.