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Feature Friday #2: $(with)

Ever wanted to manipulate a string - temporarily - for an individual promise? Check out the with attribute and its special, $(with) variable. Sometimes you need some variation on a string for a specific case. Traditionally, to achieve this you’d simply define another variable. Here is a contrived example: I have a string, nginx and I want to emit a report that contains both the string itself and the upper case version of the string.

Major Improvements Coming for Linux Users

Linux®-based operating systems are becoming increasingly common among software developers. A whopping 45 percent were using Linux in 2022, according to Statista, which is not far behind Windows. Over the last months we have been focusing on improving the Tracealyzer experience for Linux users and the upcoming v4.9 release will bring major improvements.

How shipping/third-party logistics companies reduce MTTR and increase uptime with the Grafana LGTM Stack

These days, everything can be tracked: transportation, deliveries, food orders. . . For consumers, knowing the location of a package or courier is a bonus, but for companies in the business of shipping, delivering, and third-party logistics, it’s a necessity. And so is having the right observability system to ensure everything gets where it needs to go. After all, errors, downtime, or anything that causes delays will end up delivering unhappy customers and lost revenue.

Minimizing Distractions and Maximizing Productivity with GitLens

For developers, streamlining your workflow while coding in a distraction-free and conducive environment is of utmost importance. This is why most developers go for workspaces that can provide most, if not all, the tools and services they need in one place. Less context switching means minimal distractions, hence, more productivity. GitLens is a Git extension for VS Code that provides valuable insights into code authorship and unlocks the full power of Git within VS Code.

Webinar Recap: Myths and Realities in Telemetry Data Handling

Telemetry data is growing exponentially, but the business value isn’t increasing at a similar pace. Getting the right telemetry data is hard, so I recently had a conversation with Matt Aslett, Director of Research at Ventana Research, now a part of ISG, about five myths and realities in telemetry data handling.

Best practices for end-to-end service ownership with Datadog Service Catalog

In order to grow your organization effectively, you need to ensure the scalability of your systems. In a broad, distributed architecture, critical processes like incident triage, security response, and large-scale configuration changes can be difficult to execute without a programmatically accessible registry of what’s running in production and who owns it.

Last Day of The Quarter - Smooth Sailing?

You’re 24 hours away from the next quarter. Have you achieved everything in this one that you wanted to? Got a last-minute deal you need to get over the line? That’s ok, your favorite customer is just a quick video call away from signing on the dotted line – that’ll help you hit your target. Be a real problem if the call kept dropping out though – especially if they asked to reschedule. Oh, no, suddenly, your Teams is acting up!

A New and Redesigned Deployment Options

Today we have rolled out a change in the way you can configure each deployment of your application. Normally you deploy your apps, using the Deploy button on the top right corner of your application page. This will deploy your application based on the "default" Deployment Profile. You can also customize your deployment, using the "Deploy with Options" item on the deploy menu. With today's rollout, we've made improvements to this flow.