Introduction: Office asset management is a crucial part of running any successful business. Managing assets such as computers, printers, and other office equipment can be a daunting task, especially in larger organizations. However, advances in technology have made office asset management much easier and more efficient, and one such technology is NFC tags. NFC tags have gained popularity in recent years for their ease of use and versatility.
When it comes to email automation workflow tools, finding the right solution is critical to creating effective campaigns that fire on all cylinders. If you want to harness the full potential of email to increase customer engagement and streamline workflows, you need the best tools available at your fingertips to spearhead campaigns and take your workflows to new heights.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning have been at the heart of our strategy since the beginning. At the birth of Nexthink we wanted to help IT teams not get drowned in list of logs, but rather immediately see actionable data already processed, correlated and ready to consume.
Few areas of business have faced more pressure over the last three years than finance and supply chain teams. Yet most are stuck managing this upheaval with manual activities and processes that haven’t changed much since the last enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation. The systems and tools these departments traditionally rely on lack the agility needed to excel in today’s business reality. That’s why we’re introducing ServiceNow Finance and Supply Chain Workflows.
Every day seems to bring another headline about how AI is changing the world. In the workplace, AI-enabled technologies will create a profound shift in the jobs we do and how we do them. To gain insight into this shift, ServiceNow commissioned research on how AI will affect the skills of the future. We asked our research partner Pearson to take a deep dive into six markets—U.S., UK, Germany, Australia, Japan, and India—to identify key job skills people will need five years from now.
In today’s economic headwinds, organizations are looking for ways to make workers more productive and drive operational efficiency. Generative AI—where machines “understand” human language and respond to and act on it—can make that happen. That's why I’m excited to announce ServiceNow® Generative AI Controller and Now Assist for Search.