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5 Server Monitoring Tools you should check out

You work on your software’s performance. But let’s face it: production is where the rubber meets the road. If your application is slow or it fails, then nothing else matters. Are you monitoring your applications in production? Do you see errors and performance problems as they happen? Or do you only see them after users complain? Worse yet, do you never hear about them? What tools do you have in place for tracking performance issues? Can you follow them back to their source?

Pingdom & Custom Metrics now on Statuspal

We’re happy to announce the general availability of Pingdom & custom metrics on Statuspal. This means that your are now able to configure two new types on metrics (on top of monitored service metrics), metrics coming from your Pingdom account and metrics that you can manually push periodically, both types of metrics will look similar in your status page. Example Pingom metrics chart You should be able to find a new menu “Metrics” under your status page’s dashboard.

Data snapshot: The Lifespan of Computers and Other Tech in the Workplace

You know what they say: “Nothing lasts forever.” That’s especially true of technology. And as much as you might have loved that flip phone, 486-based tower, or perhaps that original iPad, all good things must come to an end. Whether an unfortunate tumble destroys a once-shiny-and-new device, a system stops responding as snappily as it used to, or a support agreement ends, there are many reasons to move on from older tech.

Jazz Up your Slack Alerts with Giphy

Looking through our company Slack channels, we use GIFs to respond to each other a lot. We use the Giphy Slack app to quickly add a witty or sarcastic response to someone (we like each other really). And we also know that a lot of our customers use our Slack integration to receive alerts, because who wants emails. Then one morning, this conversation happened – where else – but on Slack.

Auto-remediate your IT incidents using scripts

It’s 2am. You receive a notification from your monitoring tool. A host server ran out of space and your system is down. Now you need to get out of bed and clear the log files of whatever service has filled up your available disk space. Ugh. Now, imagine that an automated action is triggered, the log files are cleared, and your system is up and running again without requiring a single thing from you. Sounds cool, right?

Icinga on OpenAPM

Building your monitoring landscape can be a hard task. The main reason for this is the sheer amount of available solutions. Even though, each of them has their own reason for existence. One challenge during the discovery phase is to find out if the tools you selected can work together. If they have integrations for each other or if they can use the same storage backend. OpenAPM aims to help you find out which parts can work together and how you may use them in combination.

Troubleshooting Java Application Deadlocks - Diagnosing 'Application Hang' Situations

It is 2 am in the morning and you get woken up by a phone call from the helpdesk team. The helpdesk is receiving a flood of calls from application users. A business-critical partner application, powered by Java, is reported to be slow and sluggish. Users are complaining that the browser keeps spinning and eventually all they see is a ‘white page’.