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Troubleshooting Java Application Deadlocks - Diagnosing 'Application Hang' Situations

It is 2 am in the morning and you get woken up by a phone call from the helpdesk team. The helpdesk is receiving a flood of calls from application users. A business-critical partner application, powered by Java, is reported to be slow and sluggish. Users are complaining that the browser keeps spinning and eventually all they see is a ‘white page’.

Jazz Up your Slack Alerts with Giphy

Looking through our company Slack channels, we use GIFs to respond to each other a lot. We use the Giphy Slack app to quickly add a witty or sarcastic response to someone (we like each other really). And we also know that a lot of our customers use our Slack integration to receive alerts, because who wants emails. Then one morning, this conversation happened – where else – but on Slack.

Monitoring DNS Records for Wildcard Values

Back in 2016, we added support for monitoring wildcard DNS records. Wildcard DNS records are used to serve requests for otherwise non-existent domain names. Today we’re pleased to announce that we’ve extended our support for using wildcards in DNS records monitoring. DNS Check now allows you to specify a wildcard (*) in place of some DNS record values, such as an A record’s IP address to indicate that any value is acceptable, but the record must exist.

Serverless vs. Containers

We live in exciting and worrying times. In serverless and containers, we have two amazing technologies that provide productive, machine-agnostic abstractions for engineers to work with. And yet, there seems to be an unbridgeable chasm between the two camps. If you have read anything I wrote in the last two years, you know that I am firmly in the serverless camp. But I was also an early adopter of containers.

New Feature Spotlight: Scheduled Notifications

As you may be aware, we recently rolled out some exciting new features to your off-site status page. In the coming weeks, I’ll be highlighting some of these and taking a closer look at how each may be used to enhance your experience with StatusKeeper and hopefully make your job a little easier.

Reduce Hosting Costs: Application Dependency Performance Tuning

You were sold the promise of the cloud. The performance gains were going to make everything better. Costs would go down since you’d only be paying for the resources you were actually using. It sounded magical. You’d look like a star and save your company money. Unfortunately, when all was said and done, the cloud didn’t deliver.

A Year of Donuts: A Retrospective

A year ago, I introduced a new Slackbot, fondly known as Donut, to PagerDuty. When I interned in San Francisco last summer, I was looking for ways to meet people who weren’t on my team, in my department, or even in the same office as I was. Randomly messaging employees in the Toronto office or on the Sales team seemed like a little much, even for someone like me, who enjoys taking occasional strides outside of her comfort zone.