The latest News and Information on Application Performance Monitoring and related technologies.
In this article, we will explain how you can monitor all your cloud service status pages in Datadog with the help of IsDown.
We all know the pain and frustration associated with broken software. It's no secret that the internet is rife with broken links, slow pages, and broken shopping carts, often feeling like it's being held together with glue and duct tape. These issues aren't just causing frustration for customers; it costs businesses millions. According to the Consortium for Information and Software Quality, poor software quality cost US companies $2.08 trillion in 2020. Every interaction between a customer and your technology is an opportunity to build or destroy trust. People tend to have a poor memory when things go right, but oh boy, do they remember when something broke.
When applications suffer performance degradation often the root cause of the issue is a database problem. In this guide we’ll show you 7 ways to troubleshoot your Azure SQL database performance issues using metrics and insights from the eG Enterprise monitoring solution.
Business transaction insights now on AppDynamics Cloud, delivers visibility with context through AIOps-driven alerts that help identify, prioritize and resolve the most business-critical issues first.
The data and analytics space is booming and changing how we analyze and use data across industries. According to Fortune Business Insights, the global big data analytics market is projected to grow from $271.83 billion in 2022 to $655.53 billion by 2029 (at a CAGR of 13.4%). This boom has only been further accelerated by the recent pandemic as industries are shifting to digital solutions to address expanded market opportunities.