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The latest News and Information on Continuous Integration and Development, and related technologies.

What Is CICD? What's Important and How to Get It Right

We’re on the verge of something here, people. A growing number of companies are shipping software in minutes. Yeah, you read that right. Minutes. Not hours, not weeks, months, or longer. Minutes. Often, teams struggle to ship software into the customer’s hands due to lack of consistency and excessive manual labor. Continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) deliver software to a production environment with speed, safety, and reliability.

How to Build Cloud Native CI/CD Pipelines on Kubernetes and Release Software Faster

Kubernetes is a powerful, open source, container orchestration/cluster management tool that helps you manage and deploy your containerized application and services on a cluster of machines. Operationalizing Kubernetes involves many different pieces, but a very important aspect is management of the containers and using Helm to build charts for your Kubernetes deployments.

Introducing the Rollbar Pipe for Bitbucket Pipelines

Automating your deployment process is a critical step towards adopting continuous delivery. For teams that use Bitbucket for hosting their source code, Bitbucket Pipelines provide an easy way to automatically build and deploy when changes are made in your origin repository. The Rollbar team is excited to participate in the launch of Bitbucket Pipes, which make it even easier to configure your pipeline.

Using Chef, Puppet, and Ansible to Manage Kubernetes

In a previous post, we explained the concept of configuration management and presented three of the most popular tools: Chef, Puppet, and Ansible. We also briefly explored the impact that containerization is having on configuration management, and how the two can be used in combination. This article takes a more in-depth look at this relationship by presenting different techniques for using Chef, Puppet, and Ansible to deploy and manage a Kubernetes cluster.