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Atlassian Team '22 DevOps & Agile Keynote

Should you be in an open relationship? A diverse toolchain or a consolidated, all-in-one approach? Discover how Atlassian's open toolchain solution offers the best of both worlds: flexibility and coordination. We'll show how this new approach empowers software teams to adapt to change faster while measuring value streams by completing the software development life cycle of Discovery → Delivery → Operations.

What is a Digital Workplace?

The digital workplace is a phenomenon that has grown in leaps and bounds in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The adoption of technologies has increased and changed all aspects of our lives today, including how we work. However, today’s workplace is very different from the traditional workplace. For one thing, its definition is no longer limited to the physical sense.

7 laws of UX to improve the experience of IT managers

Besides features, integrations, and needs, #userexperience is crucial when selecting products, build custom solutions, or design usability studies. Tools that abide by #uxlaws increase their chances of adoption since they are based on utility, ease of use, and efficiency notions. Whether you're on the creator or the user side, Matt Beran - Invgate Product Specialist - listed 7 #lawsofux needed to make a wise decision. Find examples of each one of them in the video!

Azure Spring Clean Stop Committing Your Secrets - by Dwayne McDaniel GitKraken

No one wants their keys and secrets on GitHub, but one bad push can mean you are suddenly exposed. Git and open source provide a way to automatically check for secrets on every commit! Dwayne McDaniel is the Developer Evangelist for GitKraken. This talk was released as part of Azure Spring Clean 2022 conference. Learn more about GitKraken's legendary tools for Git, including GitKraken Client, GitLens for VS Code, and Git Integration for Jira.

The Biggest Challenges For HR Management And Their Solutions

It is no secret that HR management can be a difficult and challenging field. There are many moving parts and constantly evolving best practices to keep up with. Not to mention, the people aspect of the job, which can present its own unique set of challenges. With all of this in mind, here are some of the biggest challenges faced by HR management and their solutions.

GitKraken Client Tutorial: How to Use the Git GUI & CLI

GitKraken Client is the most popular Git client in the world and the only one that comes equipped with both a graphical user interface (GUI) and command line interface (CLI). In this tutorial video you’ll learn how to easily and safely leverage the full power of Git. Use chapters to quickly skip ahead.

How ChatOps Helps IT Teams Work More Effectively

From setting up new hires with everything they need to get to work to troubleshooting technical difficulties, IT teams often field the same kinds of requests over and over. And while each request might feel like a small task, collectively they can add up to a huge time sink in the long run.

4 Ways You Can Use Live Streaming Software

Live streaming has become one of the most popular ways to consume content. Virtually any type of content can be streamed live, including but not limited to: video, audio, webinars, conferences, and meetings. The list of use cases is endless! In this blog post, we will explore four different ways you can use live streaming software.