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Advanced Serverless CICD - Part 1: AWS CodeBuild

Deploying a basic Serverless application has been made easy with the abundance of frameworks out there. If you’re part of a small team or working on a relatively simple project, setting up a basic serverless CICD process is also pretty straightforward, since there is plenty of information on the subject. But when a Serverless application grows it can get very complex very fast.

Infrastructure as code: testing and monitoring

In my last post, I talked about the evolution of infrastructure as code and its role in modern software development. To recap, let's take a quick look back at what an IaC process establishes: in a nutshell, IaC is a methodology that enables you to manage your servers and deploy your applications purely through code. Through some configuration language saved to a file, you define the resources and packages that servers need.

Open Source Innovation for Network from Canonical | Intel Business

By leveraging Open Source innovations, Intel and Canonical are addressing the challenges telcos face as they roll out technologies to remain carrier grade and realize performance, cost, compliance, security and reliability benefits. Whether implementing 5G, managing the complexities of operations across a highly distributed edge network, or determining the right cloud-native approach and containerization strategy, Intel and Canonical provide the design patterns for operators that reduce the time to deployment and cost of ownership with validated solutions as they deliver for today and the future.

How to Do Authentication Right With Rails Devise

Authentication for web apps is a difficult problem. Anyone who’s ever tried to create their own authentication system will tell you that there are a lot of unexpected edge cases. What’s more, your authentication system is an externally-facing part of your application. This means if someone is trying to hack into your application, your login system’s security will be one of the first places they check.

Introducing Rio - Containers at Their Best

Today I’m excited to announce a new Rancher Labs project called Rio. Rio is a MicroPaaS that can be layered on any standard Kubernetes cluster. Consisting of a few Kubernetes custom resources and a CLI to enhance the user experience, users can easily deploy services to Kubernetes and automatically get continuous delivery, DNS, HTTPS, routing, monitoring, autoscaling, canary deployments, git-triggered builds, and much more.

Cloud Native Telco Evolution: From Virtualized to Containerized Network Functions

From purpose-built hardware to virtual machines and now containers, service providers and telcos are re-thinking how they deploy and deliver cloud and network services. These service providers are on a journey to break down their monolithic stacks into small, reusable components that are consistent with a micro-services architecture.

Building a Better Product Through Customer Service

Like many startups, Stackery is a small team. For this reason, employees often need to go beyond their official job title to ensure everything gets done. As the Stackery product matures and gains more exposure, we’ve seen an increase in customer support inquiries and decided to further refine our customer support process through the creation of a customer support rotation that rotates amongst the software engineers on a weekly basis.