The latest News and Information on Incident Management, On-Call, Incident Response and related technologies.
Generative AI is all the buzz these days with the popularity of platforms and tools such as ChatGPT, Bard, Scribe, Jasper, and others experiencing exponential growth. This is a technology that has come to the fore with the force of a runaway train that’s bringing us head long into the future at the speed of light. It is transforming everything we do from writing code to making travel plans. And cybersecurity is no exception.
It’s finals week for the US Open, one of the most celebrated sports events in the world. Tennis is my favorite sport to watch as I’m fascinated by the strength, composure and endurance each player displays while standing by themselves on the court, sometimes during incredibly long matches – the current record is 11h05.
Within the broader context of organ transplantation, time is of the essence. Lives hang in the balance, waiting for that life-changing call announcing a matched donor organ. For organ transplant recipients, the waiting game is often a test of patience and resilience. However, with the advent of modern technology, a solution has emerged to alleviate this uncertainty – OnPage.
Gimme 5 by FireHydrant is a look inside incident management at some of the world's most forward-thinking DevOps teams. In this episode, we talk with Alexia Loizides, Senior Manager of IT Service Management for payments platform Checkout.
We’re proud to share that we've been recognized as a High Performer and Enterprise Leader in Incident Management for the sixth consecutive quarter in the G2 Summer 2023 Report! In total, Rootly received nine G2 awards in the Summer Report.