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Top 8 Active Directory Performance Problems and How to Solve Them

Microsoft Active Directory is a key component of the IT infrastructure of any organization that uses Microsoft Windows servers or desktops. Active Directory is responsible for managing users, their accounts and their access to individual computers, shared drivers, printers, servers and more. From a user’s perspective, Active Directory’s single sign-on capability ensures that users do not have to remember and use different passwords for different types of accesses.

A SAR app to propagate CloudFormation tags to unsupported resources

Did you know that CloudFormation tags don’t automatically propagate to some resource types? Chief among these are CloudWatch log groups, which means you can’t include them in your cost monitoring (via cost allocation tags) among other things. The only way to tag CloudWatch log groups right now is via API calls. You can do this with the AWS SDK, or using the AWS CLI. This is hugely inconvenient!

Honeybadger Integration with Scout

We are happy to announce that Scout now integrates with the popular error monitoring solution, Honeybadger. This integration brings a similar feature set to our existing Rollbar, Sentry and Bugsnag integrations, and it allows you to see your errors and exceptions alongside your performance metrics all on a single page. So let’s take this opportunity to take a closer look at Honeybadger and see how you can get it setup within Scout in just a few minutes!

Environmental Monitoring and Alerting via Text Message

We are proud to announce that icinga.com is now also hosting integrations of hardware for monitoring environmental sensors and alerting via text message. The devices from the manufacturers listed on Icinga Integrations can easily be implemented into your Icinga monitoring by using plugins provided on Icinga Exchange.

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10 Best iOS crash reporting tools for 2019

The best iOS crash reporting tools have to meet many expectations. They need to monitor crashes, generate crash reports, filter and group errors, and perform other tasks. In this article, we have collected the 10 best iOS crash reporting tools so you can make a decision. They can help you catch errors in real-time, identify patterns, and fix bugs before they affect your customers.