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Cribl's New Education and Certification Program Defines a Critical Role in Observability

What is an observability engineer? They build monitoring tools, right? Develop data pipelines? For time series data? Maybe distributed tracing? Ah, got it…an observability engineer is just an extension of an SRE with a wider ‘end-user’s’ perspective? But don’t they also build solutions that move telemetry for security tools? Maybe monitor and review an organization’s overall security posture?

Cribl.Cloud Summer 2022 Release Helps You Be Even More Proud of Your Cloud

Cribl.Cloud’s Summer 2022 release is now available in an AWS cloud near you! As part of this release, we are excited to share the features we have been building, including the latest Cribl product releases (Stream 3.5 and Edge 3.5). This release brings some much-requested features that will help customers increase their compliance, reduce overall costs, and deploy a more resilient observability data pipeline.

Bring More Reliability and Insights to Your Observability Pipelines with Cribl Stream 3.5

We’ve been busy building more features for Cribl Stream, and are excited to share the new value we offer our users. Cribl Stream 3.5 is now available! This release brings some much-requested features that will help users build more robust observability pipelines, with new sources and destinations. Let’s dive into what’s new!

Collect More Data with Windows Server Support in Cribl Edge 3.5

Cribl Edge is the easiest and most manageable agent for exploring, processing, and collecting Observability data at the edge for Linux servers. Today, we’re excited to announce that it’s not just Linux admins whose lives have been made easier with Edge. With the Cribl Software Suite 3.5.0, Cribl Edge now supports Windows Server 2016, 2019, and 2022, bringing that same intuitive experience for deploying, setting up, and collecting observability events to your Windows infrastructure.

Implementing Synthetic Monitoring with Telegraf and Logz.io

In my previous blog post, we explored key questions about Synthetic Monitoring, such as what it is, why it’s important, how it works, and how it compares to Real-User monitoring. Synthetic Monitoring is becoming an increasingly-popular method to continuously monitor the uptime of applications and the critical flows within them so that DevOps, IT, and engineering teams are quickly alerted when issues arise. Unfortunately, a good Synthetic Monitoring tool can be expensive.

Java Debugging: Using Tracing To Debug Applications

Write enough programs, and you’ll agree that it’s impossible to write an exception-free program, at least in the first go. Java debugging is a major part of the coding process, and knowing how to debug your code efficiently can make or break your day. And in Java applications, understanding and leveraging stack traces can be the game-changer you need to ship your application quickly. This article will cover how to debug in Java and how Java stack traces simplify it.

Dashboard Studio: Level-Up Your App with Dashboard Studio

Dashboards are a powerful tool for communicating a lot of information at once. Many Splunk apps are packaged with dashboards to help you make the most of your data. For example, the Microsoft 365 App for Splunk comes with a number of dashboards to provide insights around usage, incidents, and more.

Deconstructing AIOps: Is it even real?

This essay explores AIOps and investigates if machine intelligence applies to IT operations (ITOps). I will dive into objection handling around artificial intelligence (AI) in pop culture and address the limitations around data sets and implicit bias coded into machines. Then, I will delve into what this means for ITOps and the ways AI-based parsing utilities can help operators and developers alike. How does Sumo Logic enable anomaly detection and identify threats?

How to monitor Tomcat with OpenTelemetry

We are constantly working on contributing monitoring support for various sources, the latest in that line is support for Tomcat monitoring using the JMX Receiver in the OpenTelemetry collector. If you are as excited as we are, take a look at the details of this support in OpenTelemetry’s repo. You can utilize this receiver in conjunction with any OTel collector: including the OpenTelemetry Collector and observIQ’s distribution of the collector.