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Broadcom Software Launches Cloud-Based Log Analytics Service for Data-Driven Network Visibility

Human operators utilizing traditional network monitoring software with methods like SNMP, ping, or flow tracking are still limited to diagnosis and triage issues within the four walls of the on-premise data center. But with increased adoption of cloud, SD-WAN and “work from anywhere,” application workloads are getting more distributed and creating network monitoring visibility gaps.

Minimize downtime, and improve performance for Verizon 5G Edge applications with Sumo Logic

It is safe to say that customers and enterprises have come to expect their digital experiences to be near instantaneous. Fifty three percent of consumers will wait no more than three seconds for a web page to render before abandoning the site. But new technologies, like connected vehicles, AR/VR, and industrial automation, are pushing the limits of what traditional architecture can handle when it comes to delivering ultra-low latency.

Can your AIOps platform do Log Noise Reduction in addition to Alert Noise Reduction? If not, it is time to re-evaluate your AIOps

One of the core value propositions of AIOps platforms is to increase IT efficiency & productivity by applying AI & ML techniques to perform Alert Noise Reduction. This in turn translates to direct cost reduction due to savings in IT man-hours. In this approach, the AIOps platform kind of becomes like a gatekeeper for all the IT alerts/events, and it can help effectively, reduce and correlate such events, so as to send meaningful incidents to NOC or Service Desk.

Webinar Recap: Force Multiply Your Security Operations Teams with Cribl LogStream

We hosted a webinar a few weeks back on using Cribl LogStream to make your security operations more scalable, efficient, and cost-effective. The turnout was fantastic and, while we answered most of the audience’s questions live, we couldn’t get to all of them. So I’ll go through the questions we couldn’t get to and offer some answers. Along the way, I’ll also share the results of two polling questions we asked during the webinar.

Best Splunk Alternatives [2023]

Every business from large enterprises through to small startups needs some level of log management in their day to day operations. For large-scale enterprises, Splunk has quickly become one of the most popular log management solutions globally. Splunk was developed for enterprise-level log analysis and Security Incident and Event Management (SIEM). The tool can also be used by medium-size enterprises as long as your organisation generates large volumes of machine data and log files.

Making a More Accessible navigation

I’m Tim, a Product Design Manager at LogDNA. My team is responsible for creating a beautiful and easy-to-navigate user interface so that you can easily access, and gain value from, your logs. We’ve been working on making our product’s navigation more accessible and are rolling out a mixture of subtle and more noticeable changes.

NEW: Splunk Synthetic Monitoring Adds Single Sign-On (SSO) and Security Improvements

Splunk customers are security conscious organizations demanding enterprise-grade features for their global workforce. Today, we are excited to announce several Splunk Synthetic Monitoring updates, including: support for Single Sign-On (SSO) via SAML 2.0, Concealed Global Variables, and an updated synthetic browser version (Chrome 97).

The Observability Lake: Total Recall of an Organization's Observability and Security Data

Enterprises are dealing with a deluge of observability data for both IT and security. Worldwide, data is increasing at a 23% CAGR, per IDC. In 5 years, organizations will be dealing with nearly three times the amount of data they have today. There is a fundamental tension between enterprise budgets, growing significantly less than 23% a year, and the staggering growth of data.

Getting Started with Google Cloud Logging Python v3.0.0

We’re excited to announce the release of a major update to the Google Cloud Python logging library. v3.0.0 makes it even easier for Python developers to send and read logs from Google Cloud, providing real-time insights into what is happening in your application. If you’re a Python developer working with Google Cloud, now is a great time to try out Cloud Logging! If you're unfamiliar with the `google-cloud-logging` library, getting started is simple.