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4 Tips on Preparing for a [Great] Failure

The most essential lesson of SRE is that failure is inevitable. This shouldn’t be a cause for despair. SRE shows how embracing failure is empowering. By celebrating failure, you can accelerate development and foster a culture of learning. Rather than hoping to prevent failure, SRE prepares you to respond well to it. It can be difficult, if not impossible, to anticipate where failure will occur in complex systems given unknown unknowns.

What's new in Puppet 7 Platform

Hello, Puppet friends! It’s been a few months since we rolled out the latest major version of the Puppet platform, bumping PuppetDB, Puppet Server and Puppet Agent to “7.0.0.” First, we’d like to extend our gratitude to our vibrant Puppet community, who helped us immensely in locating and fixing some annoying bugs that managed to sneak through the release. We promptly provided follow-up releases, so be sure to check out the latest available versions for your operating system.

Grafana - How to read Graphite Metrics

Before getting started on how to read Graphite metrics, let us first dive into understanding what Grafana is all about. In a nutshell, Grafana is an open source analytics and monitoring solution, developed and supported by Grafana Labs. It allows you to query, display graphs and set alerts on your time-series metrics no matter where the data is stored.

What is YAML?

YAML is a serialization language that was created in 2001, although it would take another few years before it became super popular. The acronym originally referred to Yet Another Markup Language but this was changed a few years later to YAML Ain’t Markup Language, to emphasize that developers should use it for storing data, instead of creating documents (like HTML or Markdown, for example).

Comparison: Code Analysis Tools

Code analysis tools are essential to gain an overview and understanding of the quality of your code. This post is going to cover the following While these tools target similar use cases, they differ in their implementation, ease of use, and documentation just to name a few. This post provides an overview of each tool as well as a detailed comparison to help analyse and decide which tool is best suited for your needs.

Do Edge Applications Need Stateful Storage?

Kubernetes applications are increasingly making their way to the edge and embedded computing. Storage will quickly follow as the applications that rely on this edge infrastructure become more advanced and naturally carry more state. According to a study by McKinsey and Company, a “connected car” processes up to 25GB of data per hour.

Cloud Native CI/CD: The Ultimate Checklist

Choosing a software solution means checking the right boxes, and being “cloud native” has bubbled to the top of most lists. But cloud native is a box built of boxes of its own. For a CI/CD solution like JFrog Pipelines, cloud native starts by being “born in the cloud” to natively execute in, build for, test in, and deploy to cloud computing environments. But what boxes does a CI/CD solution really need to tick to complete that larger cloud native box?

Should You Build Your Own Cloud Cost Optimization Tool? 3 Questions To Ask Yourself

This is a follow up to a blog series where we explore DIY cloud cost management, monitoring, and optimization tools. In the first, we investigated how Lyft, Netflix, Segment, Expedia, and Slack built theirs. Check it out here. “Build versus buy” is the eternal question for every engineering and DevOps team setting out to solve a technical problem. In the cloud cost monitoring and optimization world, both options can take on many forms.

Communication Tool Down? Here are 3 Ways to Handle it

January 4th, 2021, the communication service Slack suffered a major outage. Teams working remotely found their primary communication method unavailable. The incident lasted over 4 hours, during which some customers had intermittent or delayed service, and others had no service at all. It was a reminder that even the most established tools are susceptible to downtime. This is a core lesson of SRE: that failure is inevitable.

What is MEF 3.0 and why it matters

You may have spotted some news last week from PCCW Global that both its international network and the Console Connect digital platform have recently received MEF 3.0 certification. Besides demonstrating to our customers and partners that Console Connect is aligned with the latest and highest network standards, this news also highlights the work that we are doing behind-the-scenes to help advance network automation and on-demand services globally. Read more…