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Virtualization: Definition, Key Metrics to Monitor

With organizations worldwide moving towards digitization and remote working models, there is an increased need for more computing power and server resources. But not everyone can afford to host state-of-the-art, well-maintained servers in their premises. And that is why virtualization technology is so popular today. Virtualization technology enables organizations of all sizes to make use of IT services without the hardware resource constraint. Are you thinking about how virtualization can help you?

Get Around Docker Hub Download Limits: JFrog Artifactory

You may have heard the latest Docker announcement about the new rate limits for container image pulls. Starting November 1st, Docker will start to limit Docker Hub usage based on your subscription level and block pull requests that exceed imposed limits. Not only that, Docker has also put in place a new retention policy, six months for free accounts, for inactive images (originally slated for November 1, this policy has been delayed to mid-2021 due to community feedback).

Build a Raspberry Pi Desktop with an Ubuntu heart

On the 22nd October 2020, Canonical released an Ubuntu Desktop image optimised for the Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi Foundation’s 4GB and 8GB boards work out of the box with everything users expect from an Ubuntu Desktop. It is our honour to contribute an optimised Ubuntu Desktop image to the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s mission to put the power of computing into people’s hands all over the world.

Going Serverless: Best Practices

Making the move to serverless architecture? By accelerating app development time, serverless isn’t just a boon for business, it’s also a win for engineering teams. Gartner explains: “Serverless architectures enable developers to focus on what they should be doing — writing code and optimizing application design — making way for business agility and digital experimentation.”

Track open source security exposure with Snyk and Datadog

Using open source code makes it easier to build applications, but the freely available nature of open source code introduces the risk of pulling potential security vulnerabilities into your environment. Knowing whether or not customers are actually accessing the vulnerable parts of your application is key to triaging security threats without spending hours fixing an issue that doesn’t affect end users.

Reading and resolving Puppet errors

When Puppet shows up red, don't panic! You need to figure out what's causing the error, so you can understand whether it's something fixable, or an actual bug. Generally, the first error in a Puppet run is the one you need to concern yourself with. Once the first thing fails, others that run after it or require it to succeed will also fail and could produce a LOT of red text! So scroll to the first red error on your Puppet run.

Rancher 2.5 Keeps Customers Free from Kubernetes Lock-in

Rancher Labs has launched its much-anticipated Rancher version 2.5 into the cloud-native space, and we at LSD couldn't be more excited. Before highlighting some of the new features, here is some context as to how we think Rancher is innovating. Kubernetes has become one of the most important technologies adopted by companies in their quest to modernize.

Microsoft Hyper-V: Reports You Want to Check

If you use Microsoft Hyper-V every day, you may want to spend some time producing and analyzing reports. Reports can help you find where the virtualization software is lagging and how it’s behaving. Monitoring and reporting can help optimize virtual machines, especially if you run many of them on a single system. What is Hyper-V? It’s virtualization software that specifically provides hardware virtualization.

Running Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes from Azure Kubernetes Service

It's safe to say that It's safe to say that Kubernetes is the de facto standard for orchestrating containers and the applications running in them. As the standard, a variety of managed services and orchestration options are available to choose from. In this blog post, we're going to take a look at running the Elastic Stack on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) using Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes (ECK) as the operator.