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Dramatic AWS Savings Strategies From Successful Brands

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has emerged as the leader in cloud computing. As the dominant cloud service provider, AWS offers a vast array of solutions encompassing computing power, storage options, and networking capabilities to businesses across the globe. Its popularity stems not only from its comprehensive services, but also from its scalability, allowing businesses of all sizes to expand their cloud footprint without unprecedented ease and flexibility.

Quickly spot and revert faulty deployments with Change Overlays

Faulty deployments and other types of erroneous changes may account for around 70% of all application outages. With the prevalence of CI/CD workflows, engineering teams make changes to their applications, services, and infrastructure all the time, which can make it difficult to trace issues to specific changes.

MyJFrog Portal: The Solution for Managing Your JFrog Cloud Subscription

MyJFrog is a central management portal for JFrog Platform users and administrators. It provides a single, centralized view to manage and monitor users, subscriptions, resources, and usage. This gives you the control, visibility, and predictability you need to make informed decisions about your environment. MyJFrog Portal If you have multiple JFrog Cloud subscriptions, MyJFrog lets you access and manage them all in one place. Here are just a few of the benefits of MyJFrog.

Navigating GitHub Desktop: A Guide for Every OS

Git is an indispensable tool for version control, allowing devs to track and manage changes to their codebase. Alongside Git’s command-line interface (CLI), Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) like GitHub Desktop can simplify the Git experience, making it more accessible to novice and seasoned developers alike.

Streamlining Cloud Operations by Unifying Security & Observability

Many companies are using cloud technologies to become more agile, scalable, and cost-effective during their digital transformation. However, this change brings new challenges in maintaining the security and performance of applications and infrastructure in the cloud. Security and observability go hand-in-hand.

Building resilience in cloud: Strategies, advantages, and considerations

Cloud resilience When it comes to cloud computing, resilience is an infrastructure's ability to bounce back from setbacks seamlessly, ensuring uninterrupted operations in the face of outages, malfunctions, software bugs, and even natural disasters. We'll explore measures you can take to enhance resilience in your cloud, plus discuss the advantages and limitations of building a resilient cloud system.

Automating On-Call Scheduling With Squadcast: Simplify Managing Schedules

Navigating an extensive excel sheet to determine On-Call schedules and vacation plans can be daunting. The struggle of maintaining On-Call Schedules manually is real. But we've got a solution that can help. This blog addresses the challenges associated with manualOn Call Scheduling processes.